Ch 10: Walk back home

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The next day...

Izuku's P.O.V

I stirred around and stretched my arms as I let out a rather loud yawn.

Then, I felt the cold floor on my back as I realized that I had slept on the floor.


I jumped to my feet and took in my surroundings as I noticed that this wasn't my dorm not was with U.A.

'Where am I...? Oh! Now I remember'

I walked towards the window and saw how it was still a bit dark outside but some sun rays started to peak over the houses.

"It must be around six then..."I said to myself unconscious to the door behind me opening.

"You're right. It's almost 6," said a sudden male voice behind me.

Shocked, I turned around and saw Todoroki standing there at the door."Oh! I never noticed you there! Good morning Todo-Ku-"
                        *                *              *
''I don't even know what I felt for you at first; was it hatred or pity? Perhaps all that you feel is lust, not 'love'.''

''I honestly think we shouldn't keep seeing each other. It's the best for both of us, Todoroki.''

''Shut the hell up, Midoriya.''I flinched as said that to me.

''You should rest now. Your injury will fully heal while you sleep. So you'll be able to leave early in the morning. Rest well, Midoriya.''And without waiting for a response he shut the door behind him.

I fell down on my knees as is stared down at the floor. Soon, the tears came. Then, regrets.

'I never meant what I said!!! I-I-I'm sorry...!!!'
                           *                 *                *
Our conversation of last night suddenly popped into my head, reminding me that we aren't dating anymore.

"G-Good morning, Todoroki...!" I turned away from him and stared blankly outside.


"Ah!Yes?"I turned towards him once again.

'It sounds strange whenever you call me Midoriya, you know that?'

"Can I see your injury for a second? I need to see if it's alright now."

"Oh, I forgot about that!"

'Due to our little argument we had...'

I sat down at the edge of the and lifted up my pants just above the knee and saw how Todoroki kneeled down in front of me and touched the spot of which my injury once was gently.

"'s as if I never got injured...!" I stared amazed at how my injury was completely gone.

"That's surprising...You'll be able to go back to U.A today then. Do you feel any pain when I touch here?" he asked as he pressed onto the same spot.

"Eh...No actually, " I told him as he stared into his eyes while doing so.

"I see...Get ready. Meet me outside in 5 minutes, I'm going to bring you to U.A, " he stood up and walked towards the door and left the room without waiting for a response.

"He acts as if nothing happened last night...I mean I kinda do have a fault in that 'cause I didn't talk to him about last night. Why did I have to say that?!"

I threw myself backwards onto the bed and started at the ceiling silently, thinking of what I should say to Todoroki that will make him forgive me and make us get back together but nothing popped into my head.

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