Ch 7:Monster

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Todoroki's P.O.V...

I woke up very burned-out.

Though I didn't drink much last night,my head still felt hurt.

I grunted as I moved away my covers and step out of my bed.

Since we didn't find sake in the drinks,we decided to go with a whiskey.

I was only able to take a pair of shots because if I took a few more,I would've thrown my guts out.

So,I decided to go to sleep but,of course I couldn't because does good for nothing humans were yelling and laughing all night long.

At last,I was able to get a few hours asleep.

I walked into the bathroom and splashed water on my face as I noticed some bags under my eyes.

After I got changed into a suit and vest,I walked downstairs and saw everyone from the whole League passed out,either lying on the ground or having their head down on the bar top.Drinks seemed to have been thrown around due to the fact that there were broken glasses everywhere.

"It stinks of alcohol here...."

I decided to take a walk outside and not stay with these rats in there dumpster.

As I walked outside I noticed immediately the increase in security.

'Strange...There hasn't been no great crime done lately...not that I was informed of...'

Honestly,thinking about it now,I don't see the reason to wear that hoodie?!Clearly no one knows who I am.So,it was basically trying to hide my identity.Just comes to prove how much of an idiot Shigaraki is.

As I was walking along the streets,I heard a big commotion coming from a few blocks in front of where I was standing.

Everyone around me started to run towards all the noise very excitedly.

"These idiots...Why would you go to where danger is...?"

I guess you can call me an idiot as well hence the facts that I too walked towards the noise.

As I reached the cluster of humans surrounding a part of a block,I pushed my way through and saw a villain fighting against a hero.

The villain was clearly beating the hero as the hero was being kicked and thrown everywhere by the villains quirk.

The villains quirk seemed to be free control of the length of their arms...perhaps it was their whole body they can change the length of...maybe its-

"Oh my...!"

"The hero is losing...!"

"Who else can help us...!"

'Psh...most of these civilians have a quirk.With practice they are able to master more their quirk and won't always have to rely on pathetic heroes.'

I turned around and tried to push my way out of the crowd until a man pushed me outside the crowd that cowered behind the cops making me fall on the floor in the scene of all the fighting.

"Who is he...?"

"Don't know..."

"He seems young to be a hero..."

"Hero In training...?"


"What would he be able to do agains that..."

"Young man!Get begins or else you'll be-!"

A pair of arms came to my direction but I immediately slapped it away with chains of mine.

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