Ch 5:Lies

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Todoroki's P.O.V...

I turned towards the make that was staring at us and noticed that it was the boy named Bakugo.

I never liked that kid.

Wait...He is currently looking at a stranger,me,with their hoodie up,pinning down Izuku to the ground...



Bakugo turned around and started walked by away from the very questionable scene to be stopped by Izuku's pleas.

"W-Wait K-Kacchan!!!I-it's not what it seems!!!"

"Then what is it,Deku."

"Well he surprised me with a hug out of nowhere which made me really shocked and surprised,logical,and then due to gravity we fell down here making it seem as he pushed me to the ground and tried to do things that are really bad but no it was just the surprised hug he gave me in the bushes and the hoodie up fell on top of his head because as well from gravi-"



Out of nowhere came a girl with brown hair and bobbed hair style.She had a pink blush on her cheeks.

Where had I seen he-?

I was suddenly floating on top of Izuku.That girl grabbed out of the way Izuku as she,with whatever quirk she had,returned gravity and made me fall down to the ground.

I fell down with a loud thud as I had that girl pointing at me with her finger.

"You perverted human-being!How dare you attack my best and innocent friend Izuku!!!"

"Um,it's not what seemed...."

"Take your hoodie off!!!"

Oh,didn't realize I still had it on.I was gonna grab my hoodie to take it off until I stopped mid-way by a hand soft as silk.

Oh snap I never knew he had such soft hands?


Fucking god I said that aloud...

"A-a-Anyway!!!As I was saying!!!He surprised me with a hug which made us fall down and-!!"

"Wait.Stop Izuku.First,I want to see clearly this perverts face!"

"Sure."I took off my hoodie,finally and stared upwards at the female who eyes used to be fill of anger now were overflowing with confusion and shock.


"Half n' Half??!?!"-Bakugo

"G-Guys!!!P-please don't tell the other about this!!!Don't t-tell them about T-Todoroki!!!Please!!!"

"Why not?I-it's Todoroki!He came back!We must tell-"

"You will tell no one about my presence.Nor you, smug face."


"I just did,idiot.Anyway,I want my presence to be unknown from everyone here in this location."


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