Ch 11: Master

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"Um...Izuku" Uraraka tapped on my shoulders which made me jump."You were spacing off. Is everything alright?"

"Y-y-yeah. Everything's alright so don't worry about me!"I gave Uraraka a smile as I tried to hide the fear that out of nowhere started to rise in me.

I walked outside of the kitchen and told those who were currently in the common room that breakfast was almost ready. All of them ran upstairs to tell the others the news.

As all of them had left, I sat down on a couch and just took a breather to try and get myself loosened up.

'The mist is just a coincidence so don't panic. Why would Todoroki even be here? It's not as if he's mad at you right now and -
oh shit, he is mad at me!!!

B-B-but he won't do a huge show cause to get revenge on me for telling him that we can't go out anymore! Plus, even if that was his mist he is most probably using it for something else.'

"Oi! Fucking Deku pay attention to me!"The unexpected voice of Kacchan made me snap away from my thoughts.

"What is it now, Kacchan?"I sat up straight and saw Kacchan sitting on the opposite side of the couch.

"Did you forget what I told you?"Kacchan looked away as he kept talking."Did you?"

"About how I should stop worrying about others and how I should worry more about me and, how it's such a shame such a young kid is going to waste?"


"What about that? Do you perhaps know someone that wants to inflict me harm?"

"Psh...They might be. Or they might not. Depends on what you did to them and on how mentally stable they are."

"Okay, so I'm not understanding what or who you're talking about."

"Just keep your eyes open from now on. The fucking bastard can ambush from anywhere. Just a heads up."

"Okay...?"And just like that, Kacchan left upstairs to his dorm.

"All these warnings are so strange...Especially since it's coming from Kacchan!"

I let our conversation pass through my head as all of the class gathered to eat breakfast and as all of us finished we decided to go outside and practice on our quirks since today was the weekend.

All of us went outside and paired up to practice on our quirks suddenly Yes, in the mist!

I went with a quick round of a battle with Kirishima and both were dead just after 5 minutes of practice.

We sat down on the ground and dark water as we tried to catch our breath.

"S-Seems like sensei was right about us...having little stamina..."I tried to say through gasps of air.

"Y-yeah...But least we practiced!"

"You're right there. Hehe! Are you ready for another round?"I asked him.

"Sure! Let's go! You can make the-"

"Oh my God!!!!!!URARAKA, ARE YOU ALIVE!!?!?!"

My classmates cried out as they all stared upwards to the sky. Kirishima and I started upwards as well and saw Uraraka floating at around the height of the roof of the dorms!

"That's the highest I've ever seen her go!" I stared in awe as I saw how her face started to become blue as I realized: how was she going to get down?! She was clearly running out of breath!

Suddenly, Uraraka sucked in air, losing her concentration and started to fall down. I instinctively activated my quirk and jumped high enough to catch her before she fell down. I landed on my feet while holding Uraraka on my arms.

Master (Villain A.U)Where stories live. Discover now