Ch 3:Confusion

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Shoto's P.O.V

I didn't react.

I just stared at the floor as I felt three pairs of eyes stare at me.

Someone-Izuku-moved my hoodie up quickly and threw me to the ground.

"Ha ha ha....!Now then...!Shall we go ice cream?!!..."

"That looked a lot like Todoroki..."

"Mineta...I think that is Todoroki..."

"What are you two talking about...?!Sho...I mean Todoroki is dead!The police and all pro heroes from the school said so!"

"Hey stranger,can you take off your hoodie."That sounded more of a command and less of a question.

And I hate people that command me like I'm some sort of dog.

"What if I don't want to?"

"Well leave me no choice."The disgusting-red head took out his phone and started to search up something.

He clicked on something and then showed me his phone.

He showed me a picture.

A picture of a man with a flame-beard.

"Those this picture perhaps gives you...anger?Rage?Sadness?"

"Uh no.Ive never seen a male with a flame beard that looks like he ate a truck and then got stinged by a bee on the weak spot."

"What?!Even If you weren't Todoroki,everyone knows about Endeavor!"


"No!!!Deku,this make has problems."

"Well then,show us your quirk at least,stranger."-Mineta

"My quirk?You have no need to know my quirk."

"Y-Yeah!Why don't we three go and eat ice cream.You said yesterday you wanted to eat ice cream today,Kiri."

'Kiri?!Oh naw bitch!Izu is mine!'

"We also have to talk about plans for you know who..."

"Who are we talking abo-


"S-shh!If Kacchan hears that someone's talking a abo-"

"OI!!!WHOS TALKING ABOUT ME?!?!!!"A boy with blonde-like spiky hair came down the stairs.He had such a face that give said:

'Don't fuck with me or I'll tear your skin apart with my bare hands.'

"Hi Kacchan!We were never talking about!W-What are you talking abo-"

'Kacchan' grabbed Izuku by his collar shirt and lifted him up-surprisingly-.

I pointed my hand at this 'Kacchan',ready to use my quirk.

"Well well...who do we have here..."Bakugo let go of Izuku and walked towards me with a smug grin.

"Who are you?"

"I'm a stranger that came here for healing."

(Y'all know that meme that's like 'I need healing' ?!)

"What you're name,idiot."

"My name is Todo-"

"He's very shy Kacchan!!!Sooo...He doesn't like saying his name...!"

"Tch.I won't fall for that shit.Now then,you're name..."

"My nam is Sho-"


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