~ Episode 1: New Recruits? ~

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~ Hermione's pov ~

I was skipping down the abandoned street with my bestie Skylar, as we really just stayed in abandoned houses. Now we're on the search for food.

"Skyyyyyyyyyyy?" I look at her innocently, as I flutter my eyelids. Skylar wasn't such a friendly person, but she tried. She has short hair, with a long bang covering her eye. I sometimes wonder how she sees better than me. Her crowbar and dagger combination makes her nearly unstoppable. She's also easily annoyed.

"What do you want?" she asked, already sounding annoyed.

"I'm hungry. Are we close to any food holding facilities?" I giggled at her annoyed expression.

"I don't know. Do you see any 'food holding facilities'?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"No, but I'm curious considering you have the better eye. Wanna see me twirl my weapon? Remember how I made it?"

"Yes, I remember. You tell me every day." Sky's head perks up and she motions for me to stop walking and talking, but I keep talking anyway.

"But you know I love the story-"

"Shut up Hermione." The sudden sharpness of her voice makes me go quiet. I could hear grunting and long deep sighs. We cautiously over to where the noises are coming from to find three guys fighting off about ten zombies.

"They need our help Sky! Come on!" I run towards them swinging my upgraded flag pole at the Zombies.

"Hermione wait!" I hear her sigh and run after me hopefully, to help. Eventually, all the Zombies are dead, blood splattered everywhere and I walk over to the guys seeing if they needed help, but Sky grabs my arm.

"But... boys...?"

"We don't know who they are. They could be infected for all we know!" Sky exclaimed to me.

"But the symptoms rise within an hour Sky, and they look tired... I've got water in my backpack!" I pull away, as I basically skip over to them, "Are you three okay?"

"Yeah, I think we're okay. Thank you two so much." The boy with glasses soon said.

"How about you redhead?" I turn to face him, as he seemed annoyed.

"We could have handled them ourselves." The redhead said, looking salty.

"He's saying thank you, right Zion?" The glasses boy said again before he pushed his glasses up. "I'm Lawrence, and you two are?"

"Skylar," Skylar said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"And I'm Hermione! We are glad to meet you guys, but what are the other's names?" I glance over at the redhead and blue jacket boy.

"Well, the redhead is Zion and the tall one is Ethan," Lawrence said, pointing at them. Zion scoffs and looks down at his feet, shaking his head.

"What?" Skylar asked him, a little bit of sass showing.

"Just ignore him. He's anti-social," Zion glares at Lawrence, but he continues. "What are you guys doing here if you don't mind me asking?" Lawrence reminds me of Harry Potter for some reason. It's probably the glasses.

"Nose GOES!" I place my finger on my nose looking at Skylar, giggling childishly. She sighs.

"Living our life I guess. We're trying to find food for our makeshift home." She replied, looking at the guys.

"Ah, what do you mean by makeshift?" Lawrence asked as I saw the guy named Ethan stare us down.

"We move around from place to place." Sky kept the answer short, which I knew meant she was done with the conversation, but Lawrence didn't get that.

"She's a little anti-social, right bestie? Anyways, we really can't find much." I began looking in my bag, sighing because I had loads of water bottles. "Where are you guys from?"

"Zion, care to explain or are you going to just stand still and look pretty?" Ethan finally said, resting his bat on his shoulder.

"A school just down the road." Zion points in the direction they were headed.
"Oh, can we come with you guys? I've got a water filter and water bottles! And Sky is a great..." I think for a moment before answering. "Fighter and Food finder, right Sky?"

"Yep, uh-huh." She wasn't really paying attention to the conversation. I guess her feet are more interesting.

"Well... we are running low on food. She could come with us when we search, right Zion?" Lawrence looked at Zion, raising an eyebrow.
"Uh, sure," Zion responded. He wasn't paying attention either, but he wasn't staring at his shoes. He was staring at Sky.

"Then it's settled. Come on before it gets dark." Ethan signaled us to follow him and I skipped after him, as the sun began to set.

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