~ Episode 4: Musical Desires ~

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Ethan, Eugene, and I had to patrol in the music room, which gave me some distant memories of when Sky and I were in band. She played the cello and I played the guitar. We were string instrument fanatics. Lawrence then soon stopped us as we approached the music room saying he need Ethan for an emergency. So now it was just Eugene and I.

"So, Eugie-"

"Eugene." He corrected me, crossing his arms over his chest. I puffed up my cheeks, hoping it was going better with Skylar and her buddies.

"I just thought you'd want a nickname." I followed after him, his strides being really small. It was as if he was the baby boy between the 5 guys here.

"It's like saying... your nickname is Hemi." He snapped, as grabbed onto the music room's door handle.

"You seem... uncomfortable..." I said, his eyes showing regret. He sighed as he opened the door. The dust that accumulated over time caused me to cough. There were desks neatly in rows all pointing at a grand piano in the middle of the room. From the corner of my eye I can see Eugene looking right at the piano.

"Do... you wanna play it?" I asked, clearly curious.

"No! Why would I!?" Eugene said, denying it quite strongly.

"Then why do you keep staring at it?" I asked once more, crossing my arms over my chest.

"No, I'm just... It's not like I wanna play it-" He paused for a moment, as I keep on listening. "I'm just... upset I don't remember... the songs I use to play. That's why I keep looking at it." He looks really disappointed, I can't help but frown.

"You know... at lunchtime. I'd ask my music teacher to let me play the piano and practice singing. I'd practice everyday and other students would watch me practice." His voice was filled with proudness and it makes me smile.

"And you really don't remember any of the those songs?" I asked, sitting in one of the desks.

"Well... I remember some..." He muttered, looking at the piano again.

"Can you try playing it?"

"Now...?" His voice sounded hesitant, as if he was debating to himself.

"Or maybe you don't want to...?" At first I thought he'd be excited to play if I had asked him but then soon, I realize there was an awkward silence between us. Maybe he doesn't feel comfortable trying it right now... I guess I shouldn't have asked him. I was getting ready to apologize to him when...

"Well... why not?" He grinned and sat on the bench in front of the piano, but then he froze.

"What's wrong Eugene?" I got up slowly, feeling extremely bad.

"You... were staring at a guitar a while back. Can you play it or something?" He asked, turning his head to look at me.

"I-I um... that was a while back. Skylar and I played in band. She was a cellist and I was a guitarist."

"Well, since I'm playing the piano for you, how about you play the guitar along with?" He smiled, as he pointed over toward a guitar across the room.

"Y-You mean like-" I paused for a second, getting excited with his offer.

"Yes, like a duet." Eugene chuckled making space for me on the bench as I fetched the guitar. I sat down next to him, and tuned the guitar. It's been so long since I've touched one of these beauties. Eugene dusted off the dust on the piano keys with his hand excitedly.

"Hmm... so strange. I think it's coming back to me." He hummed softly, as he pressed down on the keys. It sounds a little dull, but it's probably from the dust. I hummed along with him, strumming down on the guitar softly. We smiled at the fact that it wasn't too loud. He looked really thrilled sitting in front of the piano. This being completely different from the cynical Eugene I'm more familiar with. We clear our throats and he plays a soft melody. I follow after him, and we soon began to sing quietly. Our voices fill the room, with the beautiful melody of a guitar and piano duet. It's almost quite mesmerizing hearing our voices work with each other's... in the dark music room, lit only with a few streaks of moonlight. The song finished, and it feels as if it has only lasted for a second.

"What do you think?" He smiled, looking at me. "You played the guitar quite well I must say."

"Me? I thought you played beautifully!" I clapped, before I giggled. " I mean like... you're a totally different person now."

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" He pouted a little as he gestured for me to bring my hand closer. I looked at him puzzled, but then I soon give him my hand.

"You wanna give it a try?" He asked softly, his eyes on me.

"Me?! No way... I don't know how..." I blush, looking away, pulling my hand out of his.

"Come on, you can do it! Try this." He played a short tune very slowly. I mean, it sounds like something I could try. I placed my hands on the keys and I copy exactly what he did.

"Oh, wow! I just did it!"

"See? I told you, you could do it." He smiled, before I smirked.

"Here then I'll show you how to play a chord on the guitar." I handed him the guitar, and placed his fingers on the right strings showing him how to strum. He then attempted it on his own his smile intensifying.

"See it's not that hard." I pause for a moment to think. "It was so much fun playing the piano. You must've really enjoyed it in school."

"Eh... not exactly." His response startled me, as I look at him with wide eyes.

"What? How come?" I asked. He sighed and said,

"People... didn't really think I'd make it as a musician. They were like 'Why would you wanna be a hungry artist?' and 'just focus on your school work'."

"But you're so good at this." He continued in a calm voice,

"So I told my college counselor about my dream... that I wanted to be a singer. Cuz singing makes me happy. I told him nothing else makes me happy..." I paused and looked down. "The he said I was being naive and unrealistic. He thought I was just trying to be one of those fancy celebrities on TV." His shoulder dropped, as he sighed heavily.

"Of course I know the chances are very slim to make it big and become a superstar... but no matter what people say... I can't give up on my dream." He snorted. "You must think I'm stupid.

"No, I don't actually. I can relate." I placed my hand on his shoulder smiling. "When this whole thing is over... can you play one of your songs for me? I really like your singing voice." I giggled at a thought I had.

"I'd love to listen to it again before you become to famous." He seemed to have liked my joke.

"Haha, you want my autograph now?" He grinned, before he continued. "You know I might be too busy for you when I'm famous.

"You're funny." I playfully rubbed his head with my hand.

"Hey, you're getting the dust in my hair."

"Should we get going?" I asked leaning the guitar against the piano.

"Okay!" Eugene walked toward the door to open it, but then he suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" I asked once more.

"I promise I'll play my song for you later. It's a very special offer you know?" He then chuckled. "Cuz my concert tickets are gonna be way too expensive."

"Alright, Alright." I walked toward him but then he soon stopped me.

"Well... our concert tickets will be too expensive." He muttered, looking away.

"What was that?" I grinned, liking his comment.

"I mean... nevermind!" He then began to pout as we both walked out of the music room lighthearted. Our concert tickets... I now have another reason to stay strong. To be able to see and hear Eugene and I sing in front of millions.

Skye: Omg! We actually wrote a part! WOW! Be proud of us pls. 

Sere: Yeah, took us quite a while? On docs it looks a lot longer :D 

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