~ Episode 3: Forbidden Areas ~

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WARNING: this chapter has mentions of sexual assault, suicide, and self-harm that may be disturbing for some viewers. 

~ Hermione's pov ~ 

"Skylar wait!" I called out, but she was already gone. I help the guy I knocked down up. "Sorry, here lemme help you."

"No, I'm fine. I'll get up myself." He said, brushing the hair out of his eyes.

"But I knocked you down! It's the least I could do?" I offer my hand to him. I see him roll his eyes and grab my hand.

"I'm Hermione and you are?"

"You don't need to know my name, it's not going to help you survive." I frown at his comment, sighing to myself.

"He's Eugene," Lawrence said as he was previously talking to the girl who had the peppy attitude but now he is talking to me.

"Awww! I can call you Eugie!" I jumped in excitement, liking the nickname. His eyes widened before he looked away.

"Don't you dare call me that." I could hear him pout as I smiled. Then I remembered who I needed to go after. I speed past Lawrence and take a chance to glare at Zion, before going out the door. I run down a set of stairs before I get lost.

~ (Skylar's pov) ~

I walked down random hallways, which caused me to get lost. Honestly, I didn't care. I'm walking down a poorly lit hallway and I see chairs and desks blocking a door. I hear something behind the barricade and get scared. This place isn't safe like Ethan sort of said. I turn around quickly, which causes me to not see the figure right behind me. I run straight into his chest. I gasp and stumble backward. It's a guy with white hair covering his face slightly. I can only see one of his gray-blue eyes. I stare at him, still in shock.

"You aren't allowed to be here Miss..." He spoke quietly and calmly, nearly giving me comfort.

"Uh... sorry. I-I got lost." I replied, feeling my face grow red in embarrassment. I really hate myself right now.

"This is one of the forbidden areas, you're lucky I found you, you know." He signaled me to stay quiet as we left the terrifying hallway. We walk in silence for a few minutes until I speak up.

"Sorry about running into you earlier," I said quietly, looking at the ground.

"Don't mention it. If you don't mind me asking, who are you and how did you get in here?" He said with a calm voice once more.

"My name is Skylar. I came to the school with Lawrence, Ethan, Zion, and my friend Hermione." I said explaining what happened. He nods his head understandingly.

"I'm Harry by the way." He said, smiling slightly at me. I smile back at him. We walk in silence again before Harry speaks up again.

"Why were you down here?" He asked quietly. I hesitate to answer and Harry grows concerned. He stops and puts his hand on my shoulder, stopping me too. I keep my head down to hide my tears.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," Harry said, trying his best to calm me down. I take a deep shuddering breath. I slowly look up to see Harry's eyes, concern was written all over his face.

"I stormed out of the room. I, uh, got a little mad because of a girl, Scarlett I think, pushed Hermione for no reason. I retaliated by pushing her against the wall." I paused, not wanting to continue. Harry waits for me to continue patiently.

"Hermione just looked so disappointed." Those were the last words I could force out. l look away once more, a tear managing to escape, but I quickly wipe it away.

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