~ Bonus Episode - Eugene's Memory ~

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I kind of panicked when I was being dragged away by Skylar. It kind of gave me an eerie feeling.

"So, why did you just randomly wanna talk to me?" I asked, curious at what her point was going to be.

"Do you like Hermione?" Skylar asked me, doing exactly what she said.

"I mean the word 'like' can mean many things you know. Are we done here?" I replied, making a duck face.

"No, we aren't done. Do you like like Hermione?" She asked me again. I didn't know being pregnant affected how nice girls were. Knowing that makes me debate some of my future plans.

"Yeah?" I look at her confused, not knowing the reason behind her interrogation.

"Well... I think you should tell her." Is she out of her mind?!

"You can't just tell a girl-" I started.

"What is with guys and what they can and can't say?" She sighs and continues. "There is nobody stopping you from telling her, so just do it."

"I'm just... waiting for the right moment okay?"

"Well make that moment happen faster because she thinks you don't like her." There it was, the thing all guys with crushes fear. The 'she thinks you don't like her'.

"I don't find this current moment the right moment." Skylar glares at me.

"Do you want her to continue being in pain because you don't have enough balls to tell her you like her?"

"What do you know about balls?" I snapped.

"I know that guys don't have any." With that she stormed away, huffing to herself.

"Mmmph. This- doggy." I mumbled to myself, rubbing my face with my right hand. I can't just tell her out of nowhere. I actually don't know when I plan on telling her. Is she really in pain cause of me? I look over at Zion, wanting guidance. He's talking with Skylar and he gets pushed by her, towards me. He walks towards me awkwardly.

"Hey, uhm, sorry about Skylar," Zion said once he was close enough for me to hear him. I shake my head at him.

"It's okay. She's just looking out for her." I glance over at Hermione and I could see her talking to Ethan which makes me a little jealous. Zion sighed, and I could feel him set his hands on my shoulder.

"You know, one day you'll regret not confessing to her in time," Zion said quietly, looking over at Hermione.

"Easy for you to say... you just... well, you know! Now you two are together..." I paused for a second before I continue. "You are going to have a kid with the girl you love."

"Yeah, that's crazy..." Zion said, slightly chuckling to himself. He raises his hand and scratches the back of his head. We stand there in silence for a few moments.

"You have to tell her at some point, Eugene. It'll be for the best." Zion told me. He smiles slightly and walks away, back towards Skylar and the others. I look up at the sky, wondering what I was going to do. After a while, we began to walk again. Hermione seemed more distant than usual. Come on Eugene you can do it. As I am about to open my mouth, Lawrence speaks.

"Guys, we need to stay quiet. There are a few zombies up ahead." Well shit, there goes the chance. I sighed and follow the group into a convenience store. Harry suggested we stayed here for the night and Lawrence agreed.

"Zion!" I decided to go to the 'expert' and ask him a few questions. "I need your help. Now."

"What is it?" Zion asked, turning towards me.

"I keep missing my chance and I don't know how to ask her." I make a duck face before I pout.

"Go talk to her now. Tell her how you feel." Zion said, keeping it brief.

"I'm not one to express feelings." I crossed my arms, looking around for her.

"It's not that hard to tell them your feelings," Zion said, acting like it was obvious.

"This is Hemi- I mean Hermione we're talking about." I tap my foot against the floor before I'm finally convinced. "Ok fine! Stop acting like you're the god of love, Eros." Zion chuckles to himself.

"I won't stop acting like this until you tell her," Zion said, crossing his arms over his chest. I sigh before I look around for her. Goddammit if she's asleep I swear. I puffed up my cheeks, as I look back a Zion.

"If she's asleep, wake her up with a kiss." Zion gives me an encouraging smile and turns back around, leaving me 'alone'. Like she did with me but where is the question?  On the cheek, anyone would do... so the lips? Zion wasn't going to help me with this one... so it was a fifty-fifty percent chance. I lay down and look at the ceiling.

"I think I've decided." I doze off like the others, wondering about tomorrow.


Once I felt the sunlight tickle my face, I shot up hoping that Hemi wasn't awake. Thankfully she wasn't, which ripped my heart to know. I carefully walk over to her, kneeling down next to her. I quickly plant a kiss on her cheek, not knowing if she was going to wake up. I sit back and watch her for a second and her eyes open slowly.

"Hi," Hermione whispered to me, smiling slightly. I smile back at her.

"Good morning," I said, growing nervous. Hermione sits up in front of me and I look at her. Crap I wish Zion could help me.

"What... was the kiss for?" She asked, rubbing her cheek. I hesitate to even talk and I have butterflies in my stomach.

"I...I have something I want to tell you." I say, my voice breaking. "I-I... LIKE YOU!" I puffed my cheeks up, looking away. I can't see her reaction, which makes me panic. Fudge. FUDGE. WHAT DO I DO!?  I turn around suddenly and give her a kiss right on the lips. I have no idea what went through my mind to cause this. I set my hands on her cheeks to deepen the kiss and when I pull away. She's blushing a bright red and so am I. What just happen... I did this out of pure nervousness. I didn't even give her time to react. Dammit. Does she think I'm teasing her?

"Eugene..." Was all she said, her face bright red. She grabbed the strap of my bag and pulled me in close for another kiss. I open one of my eyes to see Zion crying and Skylar comforting him.

"He's no longer my baby boy..." I swear I see him shed a tear. "He's all grown up!"

"Now sweetheart, cry like that when our baby grows up," Skylar said. For some reason what she said made me grin against Hermione's lips. When our baby grows up... 

I forgot about the ending of this bonus episode and Zion crying made me laugh. ~Skye~ 

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