~ Episode 5 - Food. Water. Deaths? ~

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Since I shared a classroom with Skylar, we had to share a big blanket. It really wasn't much of a problem considering we had winter coats on. The night watch with Eugene was probably the most fun I've had since the virus broke out. The sun was beginning to rise, and I knew it was my queue to wake Skylar up.

"Skylar wake up. It's morning, but my main priority is to make sure to give you your daily dose of happiness!" I poked her cheek repeatedly, sticking my tongue out slightly. She groans and rolls away from me.

"I don't want to get up." She mumbled into her arm.

"I guess the adrenaline dose it is today." I cleared my throat before I shook her. "There are zombies outside! Hurry get up!" Skylar sits up quickly, her dagger already in her hand. I make a duck face, waiting for her to realize the situation. She looks at me frowning and lowers her dagger.

"Really Hermie?"

"I clearly said you were gonna receive a dose of happiness but then you refused my offer." I crossed my arms, playfully sticking my tongue out at her.

"You're such a child." Skylar said, rolling her eyes. She stands up off the floor, heading for the door.

"You know you love me!~" I tease, using a desk to help myself up. "I doubt anyone is awake Sky."

"You never know. We can always wait in the room." She said, walking out the room.

"Ok, let's go then." I follow her out the room, looking around the hallways. "How was night watch with Scarlett and Zion?"

"Scarlett ran away at the first sight of a zombie." Skylar replied, smiling.

"Chicken!" I yell, smiling at the thought that my friend had a good night. "What about Zion? Did he give you a hard time?" I asked. Skylar is silent for a moment.

"No... we just talked about our past life, before the virus." She finally said.

"Oh... that must've been nice." I look at her for a slight second, remembering her past quite well.

"He pinky promised me to take me to the beach." Skylar said quietly. I see her smiling to herself.

"A person you barely know promised you to take you to the beach?!" I stopped, crossing my arms. "What if this life never ends huh!"

"It's not that bad. He probably just felt bad for me and it's not like you to say that." She said, trying to keep her voice down.

"So you told him how you lied to me?" I could feel my face get red. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"I did." Skylar's voice was barely above a whisper.

"And how you did it right!?" I could feel my voice rise. "You can't make promises you can't keep!"

"Why are you acting like this? Are you trying to make me feel worse than I already do?!" Skylar yelled.

"Cause you shouldn't be sharing your past with complete strangers." I snapped back, clenching my fists.

"It doesn't matter who I share my past with because according to you we're all gonna die anyways!"

"Yes it does." I frowned, sighing. "I never said we are all gonna die! You just shouldn't get too attached to people!" Skylar's jaw clenches and she doesn't say anything. Tears form in her eyes.

"Point made." I looked away, sighing once more.

"No. I'm going to get attached to people because I can't handle being alone again." A tear falls down her cheek.

"Excuse me. You aren't!" My gut tells me to stop, but my brain says otherwise. "Think twice before you share your past with some random person."

"They're not-" Skylar stops and takes a breath, wiping her eyes. "Why do you care who I tell? It's my past, not yours."

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