~ Episode 6 - Disappearances...

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Sexual assault is in this chapter. If you chose to skip, please feel free to. There will be a short summary of what happened before episode 7 once that is up. 

I fell asleep not long after Skylar did, although I kept tossing and turning. It wasn't a very peaceful sleep. I had a stomach ache. Groaning from the pain, I sit up.

"Skylar?" I whispered, shaking her slightly. She turns towards me, her eyes opening barely.

"What?" she asked, her voice groggy.

"My tummy hurts..." She looks at me and then sits up.

"What does it feel like?" She asked, looking at me concerned.

"I feel like I'm gonna be sick." I placed my hand over my mouth.

"Okay, well you're probably only hungry. Let's go to the storage room for some food." Skylar said, getting up off the ground.

"We can't grab extra food..." I look up to her, still seated.

"They can make an exception. You haven't eaten all day." Skylar said, helping me up off the ground. We make our way towards the storage room before we're stopped by someone. I turn around and see Lawrence. He's smiling, as usual.

"What are you girls doing up?" Something about his smile was unusual. It was... unsettling and creepy.

"I got a better one, what are you doing up?" I asked. I was actually very curious at why he was up so late. What was he doing?

"I'm on patrol tonight, remember?" I didn't remember Lawrence actually being on patrol tonight, but I guess he was. "So back to my question, what are you doing up? It's late and you need sleep." Lawrence looks between Skylar and I, waiting for an answer.

"We... couldn't sleep, so I thought we should take a stroll... around." Skylar said, her face staying neutral. I don't know how she lies without showing it. If I tried to lie, my face would turn bright red and people would know. Lawrence doesn't show any emotion on his face either, just that creepy smile.

"Well, I think you should get back to your classroom. It's time to sleep." Lawrence puts one of his arms around my shoulder and his other arm around Sky's waist. He starts walking us back down the hallway, although the opposite way of our rooms. I glance over at Sky and she's as stiff as a wooden plank.

"L-Lawrence, we're going the wrong way," I said, trying to keep my voice level, hiding the fear.

"Shh." He replied, tightening his grip on me. I tense up, starting to get really scared. Do I scream? Do I try to run? I glance at Sky again and she's still stiff, not making any emotions. We need to get away.

"He-" I started screaming, but Lawrence put his hand over my mouth. There's a rag in his hand. I smell something, but I don't know what. I start freaking out, lashing my arms out, trying to get away. I start getting dizzy and my eyelids get heavy, causing them to close when I don't want them to. I go limp and Lawrence drops me to the floor. Just before my eyes close, I see him turn towards Sky. Everything goes black.

~ Skylar's pov ~

Lawrence turns to me, that awful grin still on his face. I've seen the look in his eyes one too many times. He's crazy and he wants to hurt me. I glance at Hermione's unconscious body, her face peaceful. It's better than anything Lawrence could be doing to her.

"I knew she was going to be a problem, but you..." He turns my body to face him and he caresses my cheek with the palm of his hand. "You'll cooperate for me." His grin gets wider when he sees the fear on my face. I pull my head away from him and push against his body, trying to get out of his grasp. He lets me go and I tumble to the floor from the effort of trying to get away.

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