~ Episode 15 - The Cure ~

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I stare at Zion standing there awkwardly, my face still burning.

"Why did he ask me that and then just leave?" I asked him quietly still scarred.

"Hermione is bound to tell you one day," Zion said, placing his hand over his face. I make a face and look back at my plate of food, suddenly not very hungry.

"Why did you blush hm?" I heard Zion asked, having a big grin on his face.

"Because having the thought of someone "pleasuring themselves" in your name is kind of embarrassing..." I replied, blushing again.

"Well, some guys gotta do what they gotta do to relieve stress." He shook his head and I could tell he couldn't believe what we were talking about.

"Relieve... you know I'm not even going to ask." I said, mentally scarred.

"Must I explain?" He still had that grin on his face. It was as if he was holding in a laugh.

"No," I said. He started explaining anyways. This is what I get for falling in love with him.

"...And if you don't tend to it, all that sexual excitement accumulates and eventually, we aren't able to control ourselves around our partners when it comes to the 'first time' and usually it can get very erotic."

"Zion!" I exclaimed, staring at him, trying not to laugh. He was just saying it so casually. I cover my mouth to stifle my laughter. He has a huge smile on his face and his eyes are sparkling.

"What?" He asked, acting innocent. I shake my head and chuckle slightly.

"Why are you like this?" I asked him, looking at him.

"Would you rather me be cocky and sarcastic?" He replied, raising one of his eyebrows.

"Well..." I pretend to think about it. "I think I prefer my Zion the way he is."

"Damn right." He said, sitting down across from me. I smile and after that, we continue to eat our breakfast.

~3 weeks later~

"Attention, everyone please come to the dining hall." I looked at Zion, confused. We hardly ever get announcements, let alone ones for everyone. Zion shrugs his shoulders and we both make our way towards the dining hall. We sit down at a table next to Eugene, Hermione, and Ethan. He was quietly talking to a girl I've seen around a few times.

"You're all probably wondering why we've called you up." The room quiets down as the soldier speaks. "There is a cure in development." It's silent for a second and then cheers erupt from everyone. Zion pulls me to him, embracing me in a hug. Eugene kisses Hermione on the cheek. I couldn't believe there was going to be a cure. I could plan a future with Zion and I would have to worry about death.

"We'll be able to start a family now..." I hear Zion whisper into my ear, causing my heart to skip a beat.

"I know Zion..." I breathe a sigh of relief. One, we'll get out of here and two, I'll be able to start my life with Zion.

"I advise you all to stay here until the streets are cleared and after that, each of you will receive a card designated to give you the directions to a non-contaminated home. We'll bring you guys food once a week until food factories and stores reopen." One of the soldiers said before he continued. "You will also be given clothes, working gas, water, and electricity so consider yourself lucky. Of course, couples are going to live in the same house." He soon walked off the podium, eagerly waiting for the day we received our cards.

"Zion! Aren't you excited!?" I hold his hands, jumping up and down.

"Of course I am, I really want to get out of here and live with you." He paused for a second. "Not forgetting to have the guys as neighbors.

"Of course!" I said looking at everyone. They all looked as excited as I felt. I couldn't keep the smile off my face.

"I wonder when they'll give us the cards." I hear Hermione exclaim, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I wonder too Hemi. We'll just have to wait." Eugene said as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"But waiting's no fun!" Hermione exclaimed, already growing impatient. I laugh silently to myself and look back at Zion. This was something we were all looking forward too. All we had to do is wait.


Three months have passed, and we were all in the same tent for once, eagerly waiting for the cards.

"I can't wait." I hear Hermione say, as she hugged Eugene close. Ethan nodded and Lawrence hugged a boy next to him. A soldier handed us all separate envelopes and I was suddenly nervous. Zion holds my hand and he smiled reassuringly before he looked around the room. We all open our envelopes, and I see Ethan looking a little confused. In his hand was a single ticket. I look over at Hermione and Eugene and he's holding two tickets. Zion and I have bus tickets to Maine. What I found weird was that Lawrence and his 'friend' have bus tickets to Canada. Lawrence barely ever hung out with us anymore.

"W-Wait... we aren't living in the same place?" I whisper as Eugene and Hermione look at their plane tickets.

"I'm... designated to Nevada?" I hear Ethan say quietly. We all stay silent for a moment, our excitement going away quickly.

"Sky and I are supposed to live in Maine..." Zion said, hugging me close. Eugene looks at the tickets he had in disbelief.

"Hemi and I... are going to the UK!?" Eugene said, looking at Hermione confused.

"B-but you can't!" I exclaimed, tears forming in my eyes. "We're supposed to stay together!"

"Sky, it's okay-" Zion started, but I cut him off.

"No, it's not!" I exclaimed, turning away from Zion and to Hermione and Eugene. "You can't go to the UK! What if... what if something happens to you guys?! You don't know anybody in the UK." I kept rambling off possible problems until Hermione interrupted.

"Skylar... it's okay." She said, setting her hands on my shoulders gently. I look at her, realizing I was bawling my eyes out.

"No... our plans together... the hope..." I whisper, hugging Zion close for comfort.

"We'll be together... all the holidays... and once they get the internet back up... we'll talk..." Hermione said as Eugene hugged her close. "No matter the distance... we'll never stop being friends." That day we accompanied Hermione and Eugene to their plane and Ethan to his bus. We said our last goodbyes before Zion and I moved to Maine. All we could do was wait...

This story is getting close to the end. I just want to thank y'all for reading even though I know it's not the best story on here

Also happy July 2nd! It's really hot outside but I still wear jeans and sweatshirts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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