~ Secret Files ~

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Zion's Secret Memory

"Why?" I asked myself, holding my head in my hands. "Why is it so hard to ask someone out?!" The new recruits, one of them, drives me insane. The way she smiles or the way she'd light up when she would tell me about her past- well the good days, like her cello playing or the times when Hermione was a complete idiot and did something dumb that caused her to laugh. Her laugh is music to my ears ever since we bonded that day on the roof.

"I gotta tell her but how is the question." I debated whether or not to tell Hermione and Eugene but I don't think they'd be of much help. Ethan? No... Harry! I shot up, opening the door to my room in a rush when she was there causing me to fall on top of her, pinning her down to the ground.

"Oh! Uhm... hi?" Skylar said, her cheeks turning bright red.

"P- I mean Skylar! W-Watch where you're going!" I said, my cheeks beginning to burn.

"You were the one that ran into me! Now get off of me!" She angrily pushes at my chest and I stood up quickly. I hold out my hand for her to take, but she ignores it, standing up on her own.

"Geez, I was trying to help." I look away, spotting Harry behind her giving me a little hope.

"Well maybe don't go running into people and blame it on them."

"Maybe you shouldn't snap all the time, be a little more-" I paused stopping myself before I said something I would regret.

"Be a little more what Zion?" She said, looking at me with cold eyes. I stared back at her, not daring to say anything.

"You know what forget it." She chuckles. "And I thought I had a chance." I stare at her back as she walks away, running her hands through her hair. She slams her classroom door behind her. I lean against my own classroom door, closing my eyes.

"I ruined it," I whispered, banging my fist against the classroom door in frustration. If only we weren't in such a mess, I'd have the courage to ask her out. I have to make it up to her somehow and only Harry could help me now.

I quickly sprint over toward Harry's room, knocking on the door hysterically.

"Harry! Open up quick!" I hear footsteps approaching the door and it opens slightly, showing a tired-looking Harry.

"What do you want Zion?" He asked, slightly glaring at me.

"I screwed up with Skylar, I need your help charming her again...."

"You..." He sighs and opens up the door farther for me to enter. I walk in and he closes the door behind me.

"Thank you, I just... want her to like me back."

"How do you know she doesn't?" He said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I-" I hesitated, rubbing the back of my neck. "I might have been a dick to her earlier."

"When are you not? Your ego gets in the way. Be nicer to people and maybe people would like you." I definitely woke him up from sleep because he's being snarky.

"Maybe I didn't have too if-" I pause for a minute, thinking back to when people only used me, pretended to be my friend because I was from a rich family. "You don't understand what I've been through."

"No, I don't. I don't know what you've been through and you can't expect me to. Zion, you have to stop judging everyone like they're whatever happened to you." I stay silent, not really sure how to respond. Harry brings up a good point. I have trouble trusting people, just because of all the fake people at school. I know I shouldn't have any problem trusting Skylar, but it just... happens. I start being mean even though I know I shouldn't.

"What do I do Harry?" My words come out choked as tears started to fill my eyes. Harry's eyes immediately soften as I start breaking down. I collapse against his shoulder, his arms wrapping around me. I bring my arms up and grip the back of his shirt, crying into it.

Harry holds me quietly, not judging me at all.

"I-I don't deserve to find happiness, Harry... all I am to people is a bastard who always brings them down." I could feel myself grow cold, getting a feeling I haven't felt in a long time. I felt weak, unable to feel any emotion. What are love and happiness? Why can't I find any?

"Zion... you can't go down this road again. You deserve happiness and love. Once people get to know you better, like me, you won't be a bastard, not that you are in the first place." Harry pulled away from me slightly and looked at me, his blue eyes looking like they're staring into my soul.

"Go talk to Skylar, right now. Fix everything. When you're around her, you... you become a different person. When she's around you she gets all bubbly, and her eyes sparkle and every time you look at her she blushes and looks like she's going to faint. She gets so... alive around you." I stare at Harry, who had let go of me and started to stare outside.

"Go... before she changes her mind," Harry whispered, crossing his arms over his chest. I nodded quickly, knowing exactly what I had to do. I rush out of Harry's room and down the hall, knocking on Skylar's classroom door.

"Go away!" She yelled behind the door.

"Please Skylar open up!" I said, leaning against the door. I hear footsteps in her room and the door opens slowly. I enter without her inviting me.

"Look... I-I want to apologize for earlier." I scratched the back of my head, feeling a little nervous.

"It's fine." She looks at the ground then back up at me. "I'm sorry for blowing up at you."

"There's something I've always wanted to tell you, but first." I held out my hand. "Do you trust me?" She stares at my hand and then takes it.

"Yes, I trust you."

"Then follow me." I led her to the rooftop. She follows behind me, not questioning me. Once we got to the top, she finally spoke.

"Why here?"

"Well, this was the place we..." I stopped myself from saying anything I would regret. "I-I mean..."

"Use your words, Zion." She takes a step closer to me.

"This is where we first bonded emotionally..." I manage to get out feeling my face fluster up. She chuckles slightly.

"Yeah, it was..." We stand in silence for a few minutes, neither of us sure what to say.

"Skylar, I can't ignore how I feel about you. Your smile makes me melt... your laugh is music to my ears..." I pause smiling, holding her closer to me. "You make me a completely different person."

"Zion I-" She stops speaking looking a little scared. She takes a step away from me, looking panicky.

"Skylar what... I'm sorry?" I said, not really sure what's wrong.

"No... no, I'm sorry. I... I'm sorry."

"Why are you... apologizing? Did I say something wrong?" I frowned slightly, feeling even more anxious than I was before.

"No! No, you didn't. It just... brought up memories."

"Skylar..." I whispered, looking down at her. "I really like you..."

"I really like you too." She whispered back, looking up at me.

"Then..." I cupped her chin, my face inching a little closer to hers. "Let me demonstrate how much I like you..."

"Okay..." She whispered. Our lips were now centimeters apart, one little movement and we'd kiss.

"Guys! An emergency popped up, we need all hands on deck!" I hear Lawrence's voice say as he rushed down the stairs.

"We'll continue this later," Skylar said, smirking at me before running off towards the stairs. I stare at her leave and I could feel myself tear up.

"Don't leave..." I whisper, but she was already gone.

Here's this for you guys :)

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