~ Episode 7 - Silence ~

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In the last chapter, Skylar was sexually assaulted by Lawrence and then Scarlett comes in and tells everyone that Judy is missing.  

~ Hermione's pov ~ 

People began to disappear. Sometimes I had the urge to sleep in someone's arms, but I didn't want to abandon Skylar. Instead, I'd hug my pillow. Soon everyone was paranoid of everyone. There was tension between Skylar and Lawrence and I wonder why. I don't remember anything that happened last week... I really can't recall anything. I asked the others, but they didn't have a clue either.

"Sue and Hailey... they both disappeared out of nowhere." I whispered to Skylar, as we were all gathered to eat dinner.

"Yeah..." That's all she said. She didn't try to carry on the conversation or anything. I continue to try to talk to her.

"So... do you think we'll get out of this alive..?"

"I hope you do." She said, taking a small bite of her food.

"Me? Why not you...?" I could feel myself tear up. It was something that always happened... 'the baby of the class' they would say. The good for nothing child. Skylar doesn't answer me and as Lawrence walks by, she stiffens slightly. When she doesn't answer I can feel the tears roll down my face. I wiped them away angrily, repeating the words 'Don't cry or you'll be made fun of.' in my mind. I got up, forcing a smile as I faced Skylar.

"I'll be walking around for a while... I'll be back." Her face was completely emotionless, but she faked a smile too. I knew it was fake. She knew mine was fake too.

"Ok..." She whispered, scooting over to talk to Zion. I walked out of the classroom, holding the tears back, my imagination being replaced by the cruel truth. My stupidity can be the demise of everyone. I could see how colorless the world was now that I didn't have a mask on. The drab Earth we now lived in, was there. I found myself near the stairs that led toward the roof, debating whether or not I should go up. I decide to go up the stairs. Fresh air would do me good.

I step out onto the roof, feeling a cool breeze on my face. I close my eyes as more tears roll down my face. I walk to the fence surrounding the edge of the wall and look down. It's higher than it appears. I take a step back and look at the horizon instead. It's beautiful. The sun is setting, causing bursts of orange, purples, and reds to show through the clouds. I can imagine sitting up here with friends at school, enjoying the view.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I turn around, startled by the voice. It's Eugene. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's okay," I said quietly, turning back towards the sunset. Eugene walks up next to me and we stand there quietly. He had to have seen the tear streaks, but he didn't say anything about them. Maybe he knows how I'm feeling. After what seems like forever, Eugene speaks.

"You okay Hermione?" It's the first time he has actually said my full name. I'm praying to whatever God there is that my face doesn't show how I'm feeling on the inside. How does someone saying my name makes my insides turn to mush and my legs turn to jelly?

"Yeah, I'm okay." Now that you're here. Eugene keeps looking at me and eventually I look away. He can see right through me, yet he doesn't comment on my lie. He just stares at me.

"What brings you up here anyway? Isn't it dinner time?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. He glances at my arms, but his eyes meet mine again like they never left. He shrugs his shoulders.

"Sometimes other things are more important." A slight blush creeps into his cheeks and he looks away from me.

"Heh, you're blushing." I smile, waiting for his response.

"What?! No, I'm not!" Eugene exclaimed, trying to hide his face. He fails miserably and the blush darkens. I stifle my giggles with my hand. Eugene glares at me and I clear my throat to stop myself. We fall into a comfortable silence again. Eventually, we sat on the ground and stayed there as the stars came out.

I tilt my head up at look at the sky. I've never actually taken the time to look at the stars, but oddly enough it's relaxing. Out of the corner of my eye, I can tell Eugene is looking at me, instead of the stars. I don't say anything and pretend to be my 'oblivious' self. We're sitting close together on the ground and our hands are close to touching. I'm aware of Eugene's hand slowly inching its way closer to mine, and I struggle to remain calm. Our fingers touch ever so slightly and I stop breathing altogether. This has never happened before, with anyone. I turn my hand over so my palm is facing up and Eugene places his hand in mine. I remind myself to breathe and I take a deep breath.

I glance over at Eugene and his face surprises me. He's smirking. I stare at him, incredulous. He looks at me, still smirking.

"What?" He asked nonchalantly like we aren't holding hands right now.

"The smirk on your face!" I poke his cheek, sticking my tongue out slightly. He slightly moves his face away from my finger, but he's still smiling slightly. I turn back to look at the stars again, although somehow we scooted closer to each other, our shoulders touching. Sudden tiredness comes over me and I hesitantly lay my head on his shoulder. He stiffens but relaxes just as fast. He releases my hand, which makes me slightly sad, but he puts his arm around my shoulder, somehow pulling me even closer to him.

"The stars are beautiful tonight..." I whispered, spotting a few shooting stars.

"Look," He points to the shooting stars, "Make a wish."

"I can't tell you my wish or else it won't become true." I eye him from the corner of my eye, unable to contain my smile.

"Well I shouldn't tell you mine, but I'm going to anyways." Eugene looked down at me, smiling.

"But Eugene, it won't become true." My eyes widened slightly, holding my finger up to my mouth.

"Ah, that's all phony talk," Eugene said, smiling slightly.

"It's not all phony talk Eugie- I mean Eugene." I puffed up my cheeks, looking straight into his eyes. He looks at me confused, his head tilting slightly.

"Eugie?" He questioned, a slight sparkle in his eyes.

"Oh that, you told me not to call you that." I smiled nervously, feeling embarrassed.

"Sorry about that..." Eugene said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Eugie isn't that bad of a nickname..."

"I don't have to call you that if you don't want." I keep on smiling awkwardly.

"No no no, it's okay!" Eugene rushed like he was afraid of offending me or something.

"If you say so." A shiver goes down my spine. "It's cold out... we should head inside."

"Okay." Eugene looked a little bummed out, but he stood up anyways. He reached out his hand to me and I take it gently. He pulls me up and we walk towards the roof door, hand in hand. We go back to our classrooms, prepared to go to bed.

"See you tomorrow," Eugene said, stopping in front of his classroom.

"Yeah..." I replied, looking at him. We stare at each other for a minute before we both look away blushing. Eugene pulls his hand out of mine and enters his classroom without another word. I walk down the hallway and enter my own classroom, Skylar already passed out on the floor. As I lay down to go to bed myself, I realize that Eugene never told me his wish. 

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