Episode 8

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Canyon Wall

Sheila's turret is pointed at Grif, then it turns to Simmons, then to Scout, and repeat.

Grif: Why is it just sitting there?

Simmons: Just trying to mess with our heads.

Scout: That's not how tanks work...the driver just probably doesn't know how to shoot.

Simmons: Don't be ridiculous Scout. Let's get back to the Warthog.

Scout: Not a good idea.

Cut to Sheila's HUD.

Sheila: This tank is equipped with an auto-fire sequence that can be activated by pressing the auto-fire button.

Caboose: Auto-fire, auto-fire, here, here! No, wait... okay, that's more a switch than a button...

Sheila: (in the background) This will end the tutorial, and should only be activated if proper safety procedures-

Cut to Simmons, Scout and Grif.

Simmons: Okay, you ready? Let's do this on three. One...

Grif: Wait. On three? Or three and then go?

Scout: This is not gonna end well.

Simmons: Shut up. And Grif, on three. It's always faster to go on three.

Grif: Okay, okay. On three.

Cut to Sheila's HUD.

Caboose: Here! (click)

Sheila: Tutorial deactivated. Auto-fire sequence activated.

Cut to Simmons.

Simmons: Ready?

Scout: No.

Cut to Sheila's HUD.

Sheila: Acquiring target.

Cut to Church and Tucker.

Church: I'm going for the jeep. Cover me.

Cut to Simmons, Scout, and Grif. Grif is backing away.

Simmons: One...

Grif turns around and starts running away. The view cuts to Sheila's HUD, her crosshair following Grif.

Sheila: Target acquired.

Scout: (worried) Who's the target?

Cut to Grif running.

Grif: (panting heavily) Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit...

Cut to Simmons and Scout.

Simmons: Two...

Scout turns around and watches Grif run away.

Scout: (mutters) Mother fucker.

Cut to Sheila's HUD locking onto Grif.

Sheila: Target locked.

Scout: (still looking at Grif) You are the most likely target.

Cut to Church running toward the Warthog. He's panting loudly.

Cut to Simmons and Scout.

Simmons: Three! (turns around and sees Grif running away) Oh, you back-stabbing cock bite!

Scout: We should have seen this coming.

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