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You woke, put your book away, and tried one more time to make a patronus. And failed. You got dressed in the uniform, grabbed your bag. "Hello." You sat with hermione, harry and ron were still asleep. "So have you done it?" Hermione asked. "No, it's so hard! I think I'll never be able to do it!" You said, hiding your face in your crossed arms. "Don't be so hard yourself! You'll do it." Hermione rubbed your back. "What if- what if my patronus shows something about who a like more!"  You whisper-yelled. "It's ok, your going to be ok." Hermione comforted. "Sure." You said. Ron's laugher came from the entrance of the great hall. "Hey, girls!" Ron greeted, sitting down across from hermione, harry across from you. "I mean, who faints? Like, It's just a dementor!" Draco said, followed by the laugh of the slytherins. "Just ignore him harry." You said. "What's your first class?" Ron grabbed hermione schedule. "Wait, divination, muggle studies, and arithmancy? How are you going to take all the classes?" "Whats your first class? Harry?" You covered for hermione. "Divination, You?" Harry put a piece of toast in his mouth. "Divination, though everyone knows the professor who teaches the class is a fraud." You took a drink of pumpkin juice. "Really?" Harry asked. "OH, You'll see." You said.

The four of you troop up toward the tower where Divination meets, and after many stairs and turns, "Hello, kids!" a short and belligerent knight named Sir Cadogan boomed. "Need any help?" He asked. "Yes, Where is the Divination class?" You asked. "Over here, just follow me." He led you to the classroom by Sir Cadogan.

The classroom had At least twenty small, circular tables were crammed inside it, all surrounded by chintz armchairs and fat little pouffes. Everything was lit with dim, crimson light; the curtains at the windows were all closed, and the many lamps were draped with dark red scarves. It was stiflingly warm, and the fire which was burning under the crowded mantelpiece was giving off a heavy, sickly sort of perfume as it heated a large copper kettle. The shelves running around the circular walls were crammed with dusty-looking feathers, stubs of candles, many packs of tattered playing cards, countless silvery crystal balls and a huge array of teacups.

Professor Trelawney walked in, she wears very large glasses that makes her eyes appear several times larger than they actually are, has a soft and misty voice. "Welcome my children, in this room you shall explore the noble art of divination, in this room you shall discover if you possess the sight. I am Professor Trelawney, together we shall cast ourselves into the future! This team which we'll be focusing on tezo MEMC, which is the art of reading tea leaves - Please think the cup of the person sitting opposite you, see the truth lies buried like a sentence deep within a book waiting to be read. But first you must broaden your minds, first must look beyond!" Trelawney went on. "What a load of rubbish!" Hermione said, sitting by you. "Where did you come from?" Ron asked. "Me? I've been here the whole time." Hermione put the time turner in her vest. "You boy! Is your grandmother quite well?" Trelawney jumped at Neville. "Well, I think so." Neville replied. "Wouldn't be so sure of that. Give me the cup." Dean gave Trelawney Neville's cup. "Oh, pity." Trelawney said putting Neville's cup down. You check hermione's cup, a sun, which means goodwill. You showed hermione.

After a minute of work, Trelawney snapped at you. "WhOa! Your aura is pulsing dear! Are you in the beyond? I think you are." "No, I'm not dead!" You snapped back. "Hum. Look at the cup tell me what you see!" She turned to ron. "Oh yeah, um. Harry's got a wonky one." Ron flipped the pages of his book. "Well, if you can't tell us, maybe Miss Not dead can." Trelawney took harry's cup and gave it to you. "It's a dog, or what's called, The grimm." You handed the cup back to ron, Trelawney gave a huge gasp. "And can anyone tell me what the grimm is?" Trelawney asked. "It's a omen of death." You said. Hermione showed you your cup. It was a Ace of Hearts, the meaning love and pain. Your necklace turned orange.

The next class is Care of Magical Creatures, which was also hagrid's first class. "Divination is useless! Ace of Heart! What a bogus reading!" You stepped down the stairs to hagrid's class. "Yes, now arithmancy that's a fascinating subject!" Hermione agreed. "arithmancy? Exactly How many classes are you taking?" Ron asked. "A fair few." Hermione said. "Hang on- that's not possible. Arithmancy and Divination are at the same time. You'd have to be in two places at once." Ron worried. "Don't be silly ron. How could anyone two places at once." Hermione rolled her eyes.

Students were gathered around Hagrid as You, Harry, Ron and Hermione arrive. Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle stand with the other Slytherins. "C'mon now, get a move on! Got a real treat for yeh. Great lesson comin' up. Follow me." Hagrid boomed, waving the students to follow him. Hagrid leads you toward a small paddock just this side of the Forbidden Forest. In the paddock, a freestanding iron rack hangs with dead ferrets, buzzing with flies. Nearby is a pumpkin patch. "Gather 'round. Find yerself a spot. That's it. Now, firs' thing yeh'll want ter do is open yer books --" Hagrid grabbed the dead ferrets. "And exactly how do we do that?" Draco asked. "Crikey. Didn' yeh know? All yeh've got ter do is stroke 'em. Look." Hagrid takes Hermione's copy, snaps the tape binding it. As it begins to bite, Hagrid calmly runs a forefinger down the book's spine and it...shivers. Falls quietly open. Hagrid glances at the class, looking suddenly unsure.

"Righ' then. So... so... yeh've got yer books, an' now yeh need the Magical Creatures. Right. So... I'll... I'll go an' get 'em." Hagrid turns, disappears into the trees. "God, this place is going to the dogs. Wait until my father hears Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes." Draco shakes his head. "Listen, you stupid prat!" Harry turns to draco, Malfoy steps back, and points. "Potter, there's a Dementor behind you." He says. Harry jumps, wheels in fear, finds... nothing. Instantly, the other slytherin make an eerie OOH sound, then break up laughing. Harry reddens, embarrassed, then hippogriff emerges from the trees. It has the torso, hind legs, and tail of a horse, but the front legs, wings and head of a giant eagle. The students step back in fear, then Hagrid appears, shooing the beast on.

"Gee up, there! Beau'iful, isn' he?" Hagrid grinned. There seems no consensus on this, but the students stare in wary wonder nonetheless. As Hagrid coaxes the beast to the center of the paddock, Ron stares uneasily. "Hagrid. Exactly what is that?" he asks. "A Hippogriff, o' course. Now, firs' thing yeh gotta know is they're proud. Easily offended, Hippogriffs are. Don't never insult one, 'cause it migh' be the las' thing yeh do. Right then -- who wants ter come an' say hello?" The entire class steps back, leaving harry and you in front. "Good, (y/n) and harry!" Harry looks around, then reluctantly approaches, you hopped up to the Hippogriff. "Tha's it. Easy now... stop! This here's Buckbeak. Yeh want ter let 'im make the firs' move. It's polite, see? Jus' take step forward, give 'im a bow, and if Buckbeak bows back, yeh're allowed ter touch him. Ready?" You and Harry nod. You Step forward. And bowed. Buckbeak's head cocks, eagle eyes studying you cannily. You wait. "Back off! Back off!" hagrid yelled at you and harry. Harry and you start to step back, when Buckbeak ducks his beak. Hagrid sighs. "Well done, (y/n) 'n Harry! Go on. Give 'im a pat." You and harry walk up to Buckbeak, you and Harry reach out, lays your hand on Buckbeak's fierce beak.

"Look at that! I reckon he migh' let yeh ride 'im!" Hagrid walked over to you both. "Excuse me?" Harry looked up at hagrid. "We'll jus' set yeh behind the wing joint. Mind yeh don' pull any feathers out. He won' like that." Hagrid lifts Harry and you high, drops you onto Buckbeak's back, and before your settled, he slaps Buckbeak's hindquarters. As Buckbeak gallops forward, you held onto harry, giant wings unfold, huge and powerful, and -- WHOOSH! -- they soar into the air. Rising higher. And higher. And higher. Gradually, Harry loosens his hold on Buckbeak's neck, you still holding onto harry's waist. Losing yourself in the joy of flying. Smiling at the sight of your shadow racing across the grass below. Circling over the Whomping Willow, past Hogwarts castle, and then swooping, with heart-stopping speed, over the Black Lake, Buckbeak's talons tickling the smooth glass of the water, summoning the giant squid to the surface briefly. Hagrid whistles then, and Buckbeak wheels, beating his way back to the paddock, galloping to a halt. As Harry slides off, then helped you down, the class cheers all except Draco, who narrows his eyes maliciously, jealousy all over his face. "Good work, Harry! How'm I doin' me firs' day?" Hagrid asked. "Brilliant... Professor." Harry said, They both grin, when Draco pushes past them roughly, strides toward Buckbeak. "Give me a go at that thing. If Potter can do it, it must be easy. You're not dangerous at all, are you, you great ugly brute--" You see buckbeak moving to attack. You run getting semi in front draco. In a flash, Buckbeak's steely talons slash down. Pain in your right shoulder. You Look down at the blood blossoming on your robes. buckbeak went to attack again, getting you across the chest. You bowed your head, buckbeak backed up and bowed back. "Good, Hagrid we need to go to the hospital wing." You said. "Oh, well 'ome on." Hagrid said pulled draco up and started lumbering toward the castle.

Ms. Horned Serpent (Harry x Reader x Draco)Where stories live. Discover now