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You were in lupin classroom, when Snape stormed in closing all the windows. "Turn to page 394."

"Excuse me, sir, but... where's Professor Lupin?" Hermione asked.

"That's not really your concern, is it, Potter? Suffice it to say, your Professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time. Page 394." Snape pointed his wand at your book, it flying to page 394, werewolves. 

"Werewolves?" You looked up at Snape, mischief laced his face. "But, sir, we've only just begun learning about Red Caps and Hinkypunks. We're not meant to start nocturnal beasts for weeks!"

"Quiet!" Snape roared. "Now. Which of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a werewolf?"

"A animagus can chose when they change, a werewolf only changes at a full moon." You said, putting to and to together. Lupin has a secret. Snape went on to talk about how werewolves are brutal and dangerous when changed. They mostly have bad scars and are mostly shabby.

"Two rolls of parchment on the werewolf by Monday morning,with particular emphasis placed on recognizing it." Snape let the class go. Leaving you upset, Lupin must be a werewolf.


It was the day of the Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor quidditch match. You, Hermione, and Ron were walking to the pitch. "(y/n)! Wait!" You turned around to see harry running at you.

"Yeah hairs?" You smiled at him.

"Remember to root for me." Harry kissed you on the cheek and ran to the pitch. You started to blush.

You sat with hermione and ron, Harry and the Gryffindor team take the field, leading the stands to cheer. Through the rain and wind it is impossible to see anything. Harry and Cedric Diggory, the Hufflepuff seeker, circle around each other looking for the Snitch, but with no avail. All of a sudden, you catch sight of a large black dog silhouetted against the bleachers; the next moment Harry takes to the sky, going after the snitch.

You looked up to see hundreds of Dementors milling around alongside the field, "HARRY! GET OUT OF THERE!" You yelled summoning your broom quickly. You heard people yelling at you to stop, but you didn't. You pulled out your wand, and started casting patronus charm, it worked. A blue and silver shield covered you, then you saw something falling, no someone. It was harry. Quickly you caught him with a charm. You started crying, you couldn't see him broom. Man he's going to be so mad at me for not finding his broom. You thought, tears streaming down your face. You landed, people started running to you, mostly teachers. You didn't stop, you just started walking to hospital wing, still crying. Please let him be ok. You walked into the hospital wing. "Help, I need help." you floated him down on a bed, and cried.

"What happened?" Madam pomfrey asked, starting to cheak harry.

"D-d-dementors. Hundreds, I-i-i had to help. I know he can't do the patronus charm-" You stopped and cried more, so much you couldn't see. The doors flew opened, people walked some walking to you, others to harry.

"(y/n) are you okay? Have some chocolate." Professor lupin handed you some chocolate. "That was a very strong shield patronus, how did you do that?" You just cried more.

"(y/n)! Are you okay?" Hermione asked running over to you, you started crying into her chest. You didn't stop till Madam Pomfrey gave you a potion. 

"Is Harry okay?" You asked.

"Yes, but his broom was destroyed by the whopping willow." hermione still had her arms around you.

After a couple hours, harry woke up. You where by his side, when he started saying your name. "(y/n).... is (y/n) okay?" Harry asked look around.

"Harry, I'm right here. Are you hurting? Here have some chocolate." You handed harry some chocolate.

"I'm fine, what happened?" Harry put the chocolate in his mouth.

"I was watching you fly up, when a spotted dementors. I quickly summoned my broom and flew up to help you, but I saw you falling. I catch you with a spell, and brought you here." You said, harry looked at you for a bit, then he kissed you.

The kiss a soft, and meaningful. It was a thank you kiss, that also said 'I love you.' It was cute and happy, and it made you feel weight less. "Woah! You go harry!" You broke the kiss to look at who was talking, it was ron, who had hermione and the rest of the weasley behind him, ginny looking disappointed.

"Hey guys, What are doing here?" harry questioned, annoyment lacing his voice.

"We wanted to see if you were a wake." Everyone walked over to you. 

"Do you know where my broom is?" Harry asked.

"Oh, Harry. It flew into the whopping willow, and broke." Hermione said. "But, will get you a new one, if you want."

Ms. Horned Serpent (Harry x Reader x Draco)Where stories live. Discover now