Christmas at Grimmauld Place

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   You woke up to the sound of a crash. You jumped up, spotting Kreacher trying to quickly pick up a stack of gifts. "What?! Give me those!" You yelled, started to wrestle the gifts out of his hands.
   "No! You don't deserve gifts from the Malfoy's!" He yelled back.
   "They're my gifts!" You yelled.
   "Kreacher! Give them to the girl!" You heard Sirius yell, Kreacher let go and ran off. "Sorry about him, he's not to keen of the idea of you dating Malfoy."
   "Yeah, wait, how did Draco send gifts here?" You questioned.
   "I believe they were sent to the burrow, and Molly brought them here." Sirius said. "Bye, Oh! Don't go downstairs yet, Molly's crying over Percy." With that he walked away. After a bit of thinking, you decided to open the gifts alone, knowing that Harry wouldn't like to watch you gush over Draco, and the Weasley wouldn't have even a fraction of your gifts.
   You opened the smallest first. It was a ornate broach of the Malfoy Crest, it was signed Abraxas Malfoy, Draco's paternal Grandfather. "Good to here you got some respectable blood in you, with that good uncle of yours." Your blood ran cold. The words respectable blood played in your mind over and over again.
   You tore through the gifts, all from Draco's family. All the letters have similar words, that they were happy you were related to the great Travis (l/n). About that it's so fun that best friends Lucius and Travis will be related after your marriage. You started feeling sick, why were they all talking about you and Draco getting married?
   The gifts were all the same. Some fancy piece of jewelry that you wouldn't ever wear. Well, until you got to a green wrapped one. It was a gaudy necklace with a cracked green gem in the middle. The note read, "I'll see you soon, (y/n). I was lucky to get this into that pig pin to leave this necklace. Travis." You sneered, wrapping it back up and shoved it to the bottom of your trunk. Wait, how did Travis get that into the Burrow?
   Getting to the last of your gifts, you got a notebook set from Hermione, a tin of broom polish from Harry, a set of weird looking candies from the twins with really weird names, a small bag of chocolate from Ron, and a really cute backpack with an extension on it from Draco. "For my love, I am so sorry for whatever my family wrote to you, they're not the best people." His note read, then to you noticed a letter on the bag.
   "I don't know what's going on with you or how you just disappeared in the night, or why you haven't written me back, but I hope your safe. Umbridge was angry that you left and she said that you must have been forced to leave by Dumbledore after something happened, so she couldn't ask you questions about it. We all miss you, all us slytherins, by they decided to just give you your gifts after school comes back." You read, your mind twisting.
   Of course they were worried that their prefect disappeared. What were you going to tell them, what could you tell them? How are you going to deal with Umbridge after this? Were you going to ruin your standing with them? Even if you were, you had to protect the Order as much as you could. You would need to ask Dumbledore what your cover story was.
   But, how much should you tell him about all this? About how the Malfoy's must be in contact with your uncle. Were you willing to put your Boyfriend's family in danger because of that? No, you needed to, you needed to help were you could. You couldn't help them at all, even if that costs you your friends, status, boyfriend, or even your life.

   It was later that night. You had spent most of the day at St. Mungo's, visiting Arthur. It was mostly a blur, your mind was twisting with questions that had very little answers. You were currently laying awake in bed, unable to fall asleep.
   You groaned, getting up and walking downstairs to hopefully get some water. But, as you walked into the kitchen, you locked eyes with Harry. "Oh, hey. I wasn't expecting anyone to be up." You said.
   "Hey, me neither." He said, his face was black, deep in thought. You poured yourself some water and sat across from him.
   "What's bothering you?" You asked.
   "Harry, I can tell when your bothered, so tell me."
   "Your one to talk." He forced a chuckle.
   "What do you mean?"
   "You weren't paying attention at all today, something's bothering you too."
   "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours."
   "Deal." He said.
   "Great, now tell me." You said.
   "I, I don't like sleeping anymore." He said. "After what happened with Mr. Weasley, I keep thinking something like that is going to happen again." He said. "So, what's yours?"
   "Ugh, fine." You groaned. "Somehow the Malfoy's are in contact with my uncle. He used them to get me a gift, some ugly necklace that belonged to my grandma. And I'm not sure who to tell, I'm thinking about telling Dumbledore when we get back. And, I'm not sure how I'm going to deal with all this with my house. I mean I just disappeared without a word, and Umbridge knows that something is up, and I can't just tell them what happened."
   "Why do you care about what they think, they suck." Harry said.
   "I know that, but I'm important to them. I'm the quidditch captain and a Prefect, I need to be respected and trusted by them, and just disappearing like I did is going to raise questions and rumors about me. I'll need to come up with a believable story that will justify me disappearing."
   "I have an idea for a story, You were having problems with your Father's old bakery and you needed to leave as soon as possible to deal with it and Dumbledore helped you. You left before whatever happened with me." He said.
   "That, would work. And I can say I found out because of some weird power that I have now, I mean I already have like 50 of those. And I couldn't contact the wizarding world because of some weird muggle law about owls." You said.
   "There, we got it!" Harry smiled, your necklace was glowing a nice calm green. There was a moment of silence between you two, it was clear Harry wanted to say something.
   "Why didn't we work out, during 4th year?" He asked, looking down. "I keep thinking about it, and I can't really place it."
   "We didn't know how to work. You were jealous of Draco and I just angry about everything that happened, with the whole champion thing." You said. "It just, wasn't the time for us. We should've have jumped into it like we did."
   "And my whole prophecy thing got to my head. Maybe, maybe if I thought more back then, we would still be together." You could feel tears welling up.
   "I'm sorry. For getting jealous of Malfoy. I just couldn't look past the fact he liked you. I should've trusted you, instead of just thinking about him." He said. "And for ruining the Yule Ball for you. That night just sucked."
   "Yeah." You chuckled. "Sorry for slapping you."
   "It's fine." He said. There was another pause, but it was lighter, like you both understood what happened.
   "Draco's family is weird." You said. "Like, weird weird."
   "What did they do?" He asked.
   "All they wrote with their gifts was about how awesome my uncle was and how they can't wait for me and Draco to get married. And none of them know how to pick out gifts." You said.
   "Really? They seem crazy." He said.
   "Yeah, they are." You laughed, getting up. "I'm going to bed, goodnight Harry."
   "Night." He said, as you left.

Ms. Horned Serpent (Harry x Reader x Draco)Where stories live. Discover now