The First Task

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   It was the morning of the first task, and the talk of morning was a new article from the Daily Prophet written by Rita Skeeter. "Trouble in Paradise." Blaise read. "(y/n) (l/n), one Harry Potter's recent girlfriends, broke up with the young champion over letter. The letter stated that she was done with potter's cheating, and that his constant flirting with her friend is getting to be too much!"
   "Did that actually happen?" Nott said, in disbelief.
   "No! That dung beetle of a women is lying!" You exclaimed, lighting the paper on fire.
   "Hey, (y/n)." Elizabeth said, walking past you with her friends.
   "H-hey, Elizabeth." You rubbed your neck.
   "Do you wanna head to the field now?" Draco asked, all the slytherins got up and walked over to the field.

   You and Hermione walked into the Champions tent, a women in a toxic green dress caught your eye. "Skeeter!" You yelled, your hands catching fire, and the champions looking at you. "Trouble in Paradise? Your a fraud who can't write a good story to save your life! If I see you again, I'll light that fake hair of yours on fire and don't-" "(y/n)!" Harry cut you off, then you saw that you were setting the floor on fire.
   "Everyone knows that story was fake, and plus I'm fine with her fake stories. Like the only girlfriend you have is hermione and I don't think Blaise or Nott likes me." He said, trying to hide the laugher in his voice.
   "You're right, Blaise and Nott have much higher standards." You laughed, calming down. "Remember when your out with the dragon, go for the eyes."
   "Do I smell a make up?" Rita said.
   "Leave!" You pointed at the door, she skipped out of the room with her cameraman close behind her.
   "Good luck Harry, the games going to start soon." You and Hermione hugged Harry and left the tent.
   Soon, Viktor was done with his dragon, fleur didn't get hers, and cedric was burned badly but got his egg. "Harry Potter!" Bagman yelled, Harry walked out of the tent, and raised his wand to the sky.
   "Accio!" Harry yelled, his broom came flying to him. Harry flew up, and caught the dragons attention. The dragon was soon flying after him, as the dragon got to the end of his chain, Harry drived down, grabbing the egg and flying back into the tent, a way of fire following him.
   You, hermione, and the Weasley's danced to the Gryffindor common room, and when fred and George saw Harry, they ran over and picked him up. All the gryffindor's were cheering Harry on. "Potter, Potter, Potter!" They rang, as the castle past them by.
   "Potter, open the egg!" Seamus yelled.
   "You want me to open it?" Harry yelled.
   "Yeah!" The common room roared.
   "Yeah!" Harry opened the egg, a ear bleeding high toned screech flooded the common room. Everyone covered they ears, as Harry closed the egg.
   "What was that?" Fred laughed.
   "I'm guessing a clue." You laughed with him, your necklace glowing bright green.
   "(y/n)! We have a problem!" Blaise ran into the common room, the end of his rodes on fire.
   "Why are you on fire?" You questioned, as Blaise pulled you away.
   "No time to talk, half the common room is on fire, Parkinson and Williams are missing." He said.
   You walked into the common room, Draco and Nott were floating in the air, screaming. The floor was on fire, and a window was broken, so water was pouring into the room. "I'm going to find dumbledore." You turned on your heel, and started walking to dumbledore's office.

   You walked into the headmaster's office, golden stars floating around the room. A wierd, silver bowl was sitting on the giant desk in the middle of the room. You started walking closer to it, like it was calling you. Clear water was swirling around, soon it was all you could see.
   you started falling into the bowl, but you didn't hit the ground. You looked around, you were dumbledore's office. Dumbledore was sitting at his desk, wearing the same robes you first saw him in. "Oh, dumbledore the-" "A muggleborn can't be sorted into slytherin, It's impossible!" Snape stormed into the room, looking right through you.
   "I know, Severus. I'm surprised too, she looks like she's going to be a good student. Like Miss. Granger." Dumbledore said, and Snape walked through you.
   "and her last name! (l/n), It's the same as one of voldemort's most faithful followers!" Snape yelled.
   "Severus, calm down. Didn't he have a Brother?"
   "Her dad looked like him too! I saw a picture of him when I was at her house, he looked like him! Everything but his eyes!" Snape said, not listening to dumbledore. Everything faded away.
   You appeared by the black lake, a boy who looked like harry, but with rectangular glasses and hazel, stood in front of someone who look like your father, but with brown eyes, and he was in slytherin robes. The boy who looked like harry's hand was bleeding. "Back down, Potter." Brown eyes said, his wand pointed at who your guessing is Harry's dad.
   "Your just a evil wannabe death eater, (l/n)!" Potter yelled, not moving.(l/n)'s fist hit Potter's cheek. you felt a hand on your shoulder, and everything was pulled away.
   Albus dumbledore pulled you out of the bowl, everything that you just saw hit you. Tears started pouring out of your eyes, and you fell to the ground. "T-the slytherin common room." You whispered.
   "I know, Professor Snape fixed it." He said. "What did you see?"
   "N... nothing." You quickly hurried out of the room, You didn't know why someone with your last name would fight a Potter like that.

Ms. Horned Serpent (Harry x Reader x Draco)Where stories live. Discover now