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Comets flew across the starry sky. Asteroids crushed up against each other. Nearby planets glowed, just waiting to be discovered and explored. She always wanted to uncover the secrets of space. But Captain B-38 had warned her about the deadly secrets that lied within the atmosphere. He had firmly stated that some things were just meant to be left undiscovered. To be left unexplored. To be left forgotten.

"C-54! C-54!" A voice called. Her attention had been teetered with. Her gaze unwillingly left the forgotten planets and stars. She knew that she had been forbidden to come into contact with the outside world, yet she wanted to. More than anything. She wanted to escape from the dreaded space station. She wanted to explore everything the world had to offer. "C-54! Report to Sector B this instance!" That same stern voice called. It was one of the Captain's many androids, programmed to serve his many needs.

"C-54 reporting to Sector B in 3 minutes and 42 seconds," she called. She slowly turned away from the window. "Until we meet again," she whispered to the stars. They twinkled at her. As soon as she approached Sector B, a med droid swung in front of her. "All clear," it reported after scanning her. Med droids had to scan everything and everyone before they entered a sector, in order to make sure that one was not an intruder, and if not, to make sure that there were no signs of injuries or viruses that they had contracted.

"Thank you," she kindly told the med droid, before proceeding into Sector B. The Captain was eagerly waiting for her there. He was sitting in his chair, and his back was turned to her. She slowly took heavy steps towards him, down the long, narrow path. She knew that they had been expecting her, as all the windows had been closed and covered.

"C-54, we've a mission for you," the Captain said, not turning around to face her. He always talked very slowly and firmly. She hardly ever saw his face, but when she did, he was always frowning. "I'm afraid that our species are in much danger." He cleared his throat. Androids behind her started to come closer, closing in on her.

"Androids...." He called out to them. They lifted their blasters. "Take her away." She looked all around in both fright and confusion. "Da—um sir, what is going on?" He took a deep breath and swung his chair around to face her, something he had not done in a long time.

The words stung her artificial heart. "No please! Dad!" She screamed, and kicked, and cried, as the androids carried her away. The Captain started to tear up a little himself, then reminded himself that he had to keep it together. He had to keep a firm face.

The Captain pulled something out of his pocket and looked down at it. A coin. Something of his past, that he wanted to hold on to forever. But he couldn't. He knew what he had to do. "I'll never forget you, Zaria," he whispered to it as he held it close to his chest. Close to his heart. With that, he approached the window, and opened his hand, letting the coin fly right out, deep into space. "Never."

The Captain looked out the window. "Soon, this time will be forgotten."

The Twilight Princess 2: The Time ForgottenWhere stories live. Discover now