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The station had always had that certain chilly aura in it, but not as cold and damper as it had been that day. A few years prior to her elimination were some of her best yet. It was back before the Captain had complete control over all the monitors. With data down, he couldn't watch her every move. So, she ultimately decided one day that that would be the day she finally found what she had been searching for all along.

Against the Captain's wishes, she had read the ancient book that had been forbidden to her kind for generations. The Comet, as it was called, was filled with legends of a mysterious star that only became visible on the darkest days of the year, where it was the only star in the sky to shine. It contained a powerful magic that would grant any wish, even those the most extreme.

Her goal was to find it and wish to live on Earth as a human. She was tired of the same thing everything, and the constant restrictions the Captain held on her life. On Earth, everything would be different. She could start a fresh, new chapter, where no one knew her. Where there were no limits.

So, while the Captain was busy working on his latest invention, she ventured off into the deep clutches of space whilst aboard a space tube she had constructed from the spare parts that had been left over from her master's previous inventing failures.

She had only packed enough fuel to last a few days, so she hoped that she could make it back in time during that small lapse of time. Just as she was preparing for takeoff, C-57 zoomed in, panicked. "My sensors are telling me that you little missy are up to no good! What brings you here to the port?" He demanded.

For years, the port remained abandoned. It used to serve as a launching and landing spot for ships exiting and arriving the station, especially when it comes to trade. But ever since the Captain cut off relations with other planets and stations, the port had not been used. In recent years, it had become a law to not use the port, as it would be labeled as "trespassing."

Bots like C-57 were tasked to keep an eye on the port to make sure no one tries defy the Captain's laws and were to report back to their master if they sensed any suspicious activity. "I have to go, it's my only chance of ever escaping these worn out, dreaded walls. If I don't do this, I'll never know what's possible in the outside world." She packed her things into the back of the ship. C-57 gave her a look signaling that he wasn't sure what to do. "Please, C-57, please don't tell the Captain of this," she pleaded, trying to convince him while she still could. "I've been locked up here long enough. It's time I find my own life."

C-57 cocked his metal square head to the side, still unsure whether to tell the captain on her or not. She kneeled down before him. "Don't you understand what it feels like to wake up in the morning and know every day what your days going to be like—exactly the same as the one before it? I'm so tired of these limits being placed upon me. Like I have nowhere to go and nothing to do. Please, you have to help me."

C-57 rolled his genetically programmed blue eyes. "Fine. Very well then, off you go." She jumped up excitedly after a brief moment of hesitation. "Oh really? Thank you, thank you!" She wrapped her arms around him into a tight hug.

"Just be careful," he warned. "It's a dangerous journey." She smiled, admiring how much he truly cared for her, even if he didn't always show it. "But it'll all be worth it." As the opening to the top of the ship closed, she waved at little wave and jetted off in the blink of an eye. C-57 sighed. He wished he could have joined her, but he knew he had to stay here and cover for her while she was gone. It seemed as though that's all he ever did.

A little while later, C-57 reported back to the Captain at his daily request. "All sectors clear?" He asked the bot, his back turned to him. "Yes sir," he replied.

"All spare parts disposed of?"

"Yes sir."

"All crew members carrying out their rightful tasks?"

"Yes sir."

"Everything in the exact same spot as it was yesterday?"

"Of course, sir. Nothing else."

"Perfect. Your reports are done for today. Head to sector D-88 for cleaning assignment."

As C-57 zoomed to his next duty, he realized what the girl had been talking about earlier. About living the same day over and over again. After all, up here in the deep, unexplored clutches of space there was no such thing as time. Why do anything else? Up here, you're never born, you never die, you never sleep, you never eat, you never do anything but what you're assigned to. That's the way it was when the world was created, that's the way it'll be forever. And ever. And ever.

By the girl realizing the only loophole in the lives they lived, this could change everything. He had to make sure that the Captain didn't find out about this, or else he could pull the trigger. The world would end right before their eyes. And she could never get the happy ending she deserved. Even though this tale was a bit different than those that most know, as it was set in an odd universe with no time and nothing real, it still didn't change the fact that there was both a hero and a villain. And it was time for the hero to do what she was destined to do; destroy fate.

The Twilight Princess 2: The Time ForgottenWhere stories live. Discover now