none of the avengers have a healthy sleep schedule

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Peter Parker let out a muffled groan and rolled over in his bed, blindly reaching to find his phone. Narrowly avoiding knocking over a glass of water on his bedside table, he grabbed the phone and deactivated the alarm.

"Good morning Peter! I see you are now awake," Came the voice of FRIDAY from above him, as he slowly forced himself into a sitting position. "The weather today is 68 degrees Fahrenheit, with a chance of rain. Also, Loki told me to tell you that, quote, 'It definitely was not me who broke that lego ship thing you left in the living room' end quote. However, I have footage that says otherwise," the AI continued, as the lights turned on and the window blinds rolled up.

Peter squinted against the light. "Mhmnhhm... th... th's great Fri," He mumbled, not yet awake enough to process any sort of information. After a moment, he succumbed to his sleepiness and collapsed back into his bed (or as he liked to call it, the Comfy Zone).

He felt ridiculously tired. He wished he could say that the reason for that was something to do with being Spider-Man - perhaps he had been out late saving people or stopping bad guys or you know, doing anything productive, but no, he just had to stay up till an ungodly hour watching vine compilation videos on YouTube.

After a few moments of just sort of suffering in his now awake consciousness, he finally clambered out of bed and stretched, Iron Man pajamas on full display. They were a gift from Mr Stark, who had dramatically handed them to him with a shit-eating grin on his face a few weeks ago. He had, at the time, resolved to never wear them (because, how embarrassing would that be) but as it turned out, they were incredibly comfy.

He padded over to the other side of the room to gaze out the wide floor-to-ceiling windows at the high up view of New York City. He stood in his bedroom, which just so happened to be located on the top floor of Stark Tower.

A couple of months before, there had been some dangerous supervillains running about. They were eventually put away, but not before his whole apartment building got destroyed in the battle that ensued.  Luckily no-one had died, but he and Aunt May were left without a home. That is until Mr Stark offered to let them move into Stark Tower (since, in Tony's words he "needed somewhere to stay and hey, Spider-man is practically an Avenger anyway! It's about time he moved in with the rest of us!" Which was, to say the least, an incredible thing to hear)

Unfortunately, he had ended up losing almost all his stuff, which really sucked, but Mr Stark was intent on replacing everything Peter lost. He had objected at first, but Tony insisted, pointing out that he is quite literally a billionaire. Peter couldn't really argue with that. Since then he had officially become an actual Avenger and had bonded with everyone quite a bit.

As he wandered out of his room and into the communal living space the scent of bacon and eggs flooded his nostrils. A few of the other Avengers were already up, Wanda and Natasha were seated on a couch, talking and Steve stood at the kitchen stovetop, evidently the source of the delicious smell.

"Peter, good morning!" said Steve as he turned off the stove. "I've just finished making breakfast," He gestured with his spatula to the aforementioned food, Peter now noticed there were also some pancakes, "Would you like some?"

"Yeah, yeah I..." Peter flapped his left hand around vaguely, trying to remember how to form sentences this early in the morning, "Yeah I'll have some in just a bit... gotta get some coffee in me first."

He winced a little at the general sounds around him. Sensory overload is always the worst right after he wakes up, and having enhanced senses certainly didn't help.

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