Here we go!

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As the group walked towards their first destination, Daphne, the tour guide, walked up to Peter with a smile on her face.

"You're Peter Parker," she said.

"Huh? Yeah, that's me," Peter replied, confused.

"Peter Parker as in Stark's kid!"

Peter stopped in his tracks, "As in what?"

"I mean- you're the kid everyone here has been talking about! The one that Tony Stark himself has gotten attached to, right?"

Peter laughed awkwardly, "Oh yeah, I guess so."

"Wow," she marvelled, and paused for a moment, "By the way, there has been this rumour going around, could you let me know if it's true or not?"

"Sure, I guess," he replied with a shrug.

"Are you Tony Stark's son?"

"What?" Peter's voice cracked.

"Well, apparently you're very close to him, not many people are, and your age would line up pretty well with his playboy days," she explained, "Or at least, that's what I've heard people say."

"I'm- no, I'm not his... son, no," Peter denied. 'Although, that would really be incredible' he thought.

"Oh, alright. If that's not the case though, how did you manage to get so close to him? Being a kid and all, no offence."

"It's... complicated," he said, trying to avoid her questioning, "Hey aren't we here now?"

They, in fact, were there now. The class had arrived at the entrance to the museum. The room spanned widely and was filled with displays. There was a second floor that encircled the first one, laid out in a similar way to the second level of seating in a really big theatre or those shopping mall floors with holes in them that let you see all the lower levels. Each side of the room had a staircase leading up to the upper level.

"Alright everyone, listen up!" Daphne called out, moving to the front of the group, "This is the Avengers museum, the first stop on the tour. We're going to be spending an hour here, so you'll all have the chance to look around at all the exhibits."

The museum held sections for each Avenger, along with displays for various related things. There was a large wall with the history of the Avengers, and around the room were screens displaying videos and image slideshows.

Once the tour guides finished laying out the rules, the class excitedly spread throughout the museum, chattering loudly.

Flash Thompson ran ahead on the first level, looking around for anything about Spider-man. As he stopped to admire a really cool piece of tech, he overheard part of a conversation nearby.

"I'm serious dude, apparently Parker has got this crazy-high security clearance, like the literal highest one there is. I'm talking Avengers level," Jason Ionello said to that kid from the chess club whose name Flash couldn't remember.

As if.

"...Really? I know he said he's got an internship here but that's clearly fake," he replied.

"No, it's true! Betty said so."

"You'd believe anything she says."

Betty. Where was she? Flash's eyes scanned the room and eventually found her talking with her friends in front of a screen that was playing videos of Thor.

"Hey! Betty!" he called out, prompting her to turn to look at him.


"What's this I'm hearing about Penis Parker having Avenger clearance?" Flash said, walking towards her.

Yet another field trip fanfic (Spider-man)Where stories live. Discover now