i don't know what title to give this one pretend there's something cool

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Arriving at Stark Tower, Peter swung to the top floor and landed on the window. Peering inside he saw Tony and Rhodey talking. Peter knocked on the glass and their faces turned towards him.

Peter waved at them. "Hey! Can someone open the window?" he yelled through the glass. Tony sighed and said something to FRIDAY, and the glass slid open. Peter climbed through, "Hey guys."

Tony sighed. "Kid, you know there's a whole entrance up here you can use, right? You don't have to climb through the window every time."

"The window is more fun," Peter muttered as he pulled off his mask, which left his hair sticking out in all directions. He ran his hand through his hair in a halfhearted attempt to fix it.

"Also, why are you even up here in the first place? Shouldn't you be on your trip?" Tony asked.

"So, yeah, about that... My teacher may have recognised your signature and thought I forged it, and uh," Peter chuckled as he walked towards them, "He said I couldn't come to Stark Tower, so he sent me home." At this, Rhodey burst out laughing and Tony shook his head, smiling in amusement.

"Should I call up the school or show up with you when they get here? I could get you back on the tour if you want," Tony suggested as he ruffled Peter's hair, entirely undoing the teenager's previous attempts to fix it.

Peter gently batted Tony's hand away, "Nah, I think I'd prefer to just stay up here for today," he said, thinking about the inevitable chaos the day would bring if he attended.

"You sure don't want us to show up in front of your class?" Rhodey said with a grin.


Peter went to his room and changed back into regular clothes before seating himself comfily on a couch with his laptop.


Natasha Romanoff stood in the lobby of the tower wearing sunglasses and a hood to hide her identity. She brought her hand up to her ear, "When did you say Peter's class was going to arrive again?"

"He'll be here," came a voice through her earpiece.

Across the room, leaning on the railing of the upper level, Clint Barton was dressed similarly. He looked out through the windows. "They should be arriving in a few minutes, I'm pretty sure." As if on cue, a school bus pulled up outside. "See?" he said.

A few minutes passed, and all the students were inside. "I don't see him anywhere," Natasha said, glancing up at Clint with an eyebrow raised.

"Hey, Peter was definitely meant to be here. Maybe something happened."

"Hmm," Natasha said, "Hey FRIDAY? Do you know where Peter is right now?"

Through their earpieces, FRIDAY responded, "He is currently upstairs in the living room."

"What!" Clint exclaimed, "Did he skip out on the trip? That's it, I'm texting him."

Ninety-three stories above, Peter's phone buzzed.

Hey Pete could you come down to the lobby for a sec?


There's something down here
I can't explain over text


It's important I promise
I just need you to help me out with something real quick

ok? i guess
i'll be there in a couple of minutes

Arriving downstairs, Peter immediately realised he had fallen into a trap. His whole class was on the other side of the lobby, but thankfully they didn't seem to have noticed him. He looked around for Clint and saw him standing next to Natasha nearby, waving at him. He briskly walked over to them.

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