the day of the field trip begins (finally)

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The morning of the field trip came quickly, and before he knew it, Peter Parker was at school ready to board the bus to what was sure to be a very interesting day. Over the past couple of weeks, he had become certain that his fellow Avengers were conspiring against him.

Arriving at homeroom, he looked around for Ned and MJ, to find that they hadn't gotten to class just yet. The teacher hadn't arrived yet either. Everyone around him was visibly excited for the trip, and with his relative reluctance, Peter stuck out like a sore thumb. Flash seemed to notice this and walked up to Peter with about the smuggest look on his face he had ever seen.

"Excited for the field trip, Penis?" he sneered.

Peter let out a frustrated sigh, "Can't you just like, go away? For once in your life?"

"No way. You're gonna get exposed as a liar in front of everyone, and I can't wait to watch," he said, grinning.

"Dude, I'm not lying!"

"Then prove it! Show us all the things you've been 'working on', or like, any kind of evidence if you want people to believe you," By this point, everyone in the room had noticed the argument and had mostly stopped their own conversations to watch the unfolding chaos.

Peter shot him an irritated look, "Flash, I've told you before, I can't talk about that stuff. Ever heard of a non-disclosure agreement? Also, I've literally shown you pictures of me and Tony Stark together!"

He scoffed, "Sure. Those were obviously photoshopped, badly, even! Couldn't even get the certificate the right way up. And even if you were telling the truth, as if you'd be allowed near anything important enough that you wouldn't be able to talk about it!"

"...What? Every Stark employee has to sign NDAs, we had to sign one to go on this trip." Peter replied.

Someone in the class laughed and Flash paused for a moment, probably realising that had been a stupid point. "Well-"

At this moment MJ walked into the room, followed by Ned. "Hey! What's going on? Piss off, Flash," she said, cutting him off from whatever stupid point he was about to make next. Peter breathed a silent sigh of relief, thank god, his friends were here.

Rolling his eyes, Flash walked back to his friends with crossed arms as Ned and Michelle came up to Peter. "You alright?" she asked, eyebrows furrowed slightly in a look of... concern?

"Yeah- yeah I, it's just... you know, Flash, being Flash," Peter explained, gesturing vaguely. Nodding, she hummed in agreement.

"Ugh, don't let that guy get to you," Ned said, "But dude, It's finally happening!"  he practically squealed, "Today is going to be amazing!"

Peter chuckled, "Maybe for you, Ned, but I'm telling you-"

He was cut off by Mr Harrington walking briskly through the door, a few minutes late, as he called out to the class. "Sorry about that, everyone," He said loudly over the noisy classroom, "I should have gotten here earlier, I just... had to look over a few things," He said, as his eyes scanned over the class, which had now mostly quieted down. His uncharacteristically stern gaze lingered on Peter for a moment longer than anyone else, in a way that made him feel somewhat uneasy.

He continued, "The buses have arrived outside, and we'll all load onto them in a moment," He looked directly at Peter, "I'll need to have a quick chat with a couple of people first, however."

The class was directed outside to where the buses were. Other groups were slowly coming out of the school building, being herded by various teachers. Peter's class was about to board the bus when Mr Harrington pulled him aside.

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