the author stans loki can u tell

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Peter sat at his desk in his room, getting ready to start working on his homework. He looked over it and sighed. What if he just... didn't do it, just this once. He could go out as Spider-Man earlier and help some people! That's more beneficial to the world than doing homework, right? Although, he would like to avoid getting in trouble at school, and if he just didn't do it, Aunt May and Tony would probably be upset with him... He had started chewing on his pencil when he got a facetime call from Ned.

"Hey man, what's up?" He said, answering it.

They talked for a while, about the various things they talk about, then after a little while, the topic of the conversation moved to the upcoming field trip.


The hallway outside of Peter's room is one that is regularly walked through by various people. It also happens that if something was spoken loud enough inside the room, one of such people may be able to hear it. One of these people was none other than Loki himself, who, when walking past on his way to brainstorm some creative ways to stab Thor, just so happened to overhear a few words that particularly piqued his interest.

"-just saying, I'd like to keep it a secret from everyone here," came the muffled voice of Peter through the door. Loki stopped in his tracks. Now that's interesting. He stepped closer and pressed his ear against the door.


Peter sat cross-legged, spinning around in his swivel chair as he talked to Ned.

"Dude, it's so cool that we're going on a field trip to Stark Industries," Ned said.

"Maybe it's cool for you, but I live here. It's not exactly anything exciting for me," Peter replies.

"Yeah, I know, but still. Do you think we'll get to meet any Avengers? Have you told them about it yet?"

Peter sighed, "Tony found out, but I don't really want anyone else to know about it, to be honest."

"What? Why not!" Ned said incredulously.

"If they know about the trip they'll probably try embarrass me or something, y'know? I'm just saying, I'd like to keep it a secret from everyone here," Peter paused. His enhanced hearing had picked up on footsteps moments before, but they seemed to have suddenly stopped. "Hold on a sec."

"What is it?" Ned asked.

"Hey, is there someone there?" Peter called out. No response.


"Oh. Uh, I thought I heard something... I probably just imagined it though," Peter said, still eyeing his bedroom door. His spidey senses weren't reacting, which meant there was no danger... but still, something felt off.

"Oh okay,"

Peter paused for a moment, then, content in the assumption that what he heard was probably nothing, picked up his field trip note and chuckled. "Man, it'll probably end up a disaster, but it really is hilarious that I'm going on a field trip to Stark Industries,"

"I know right?" exclaimed Ned, "Like, the irony in that. You'll what, leave the house, go to school, then immediately catch a bus back to where you live?"

"Yep!" Peter laughed.

"Dude, that's amazing. It kind of sucks... but like, it's amazing, you know?" Ned paused to think for a moment, "When exactly's it happening again?"

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