the most regular possible lunch break. definitely

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"Oh my god," Peter muttered under his breath.

"Once again, that is me you're talking about," Loki replied with a smirk.

Peter let out an exasperated sigh. "Loki, what are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see how you've been doing! Is that a crime?" Loki said.

Peter glared at him. "You sent Thor to my field trip, didn't you?"

"I positively have no idea what you're talking about, Peter," Loki smirked.

"He literally told me you sent him."

"Ah well," Loki shrugged his shoulders, "I suppose the flerken is out of the bag, then. Yeah, that was me," he chuckled.

"Okay, whatever," Peter sighed, "Hold on, what's up with that other appearance you had going on a second ago?"

"Oh, this?" With a flash of green, Loki transformed back into his disguise from earlier. "This is my human persona, for when I have to pretend to be a regular old boring earth person," he explained. He then paused for a moment, thinking. "You know, I suppose you might call it a humansona... Like a furry? But human."

Peter deeply regretted introducing Loki to internet culture, he decided, as his soul left his body.

"His name is Tom Hiddleston!" the god of mischief continued gleefully.

"Tom Hiddleston, as in the famous actor?" Peter asked with an eyebrow raised, "You know that's a person who already exists, right?"

"Does he exist, though?" Loki said with a smirk.


"Well, maybe, just maybe, consider this. What if I am the actor," Loki suggested.

Peter gave him an incredulous look. Loki winked.

"And I have been. The entire time."

"It's too early for this," Peter muttered.

"It's midday?"

"Yeah. I gotta wash my hands."

"Of course," Loki said, stepping aside. In doing so, he came a bit too close to the electric hand dryer, setting it off. In response to this loud and sudden noise, the Asgardian literally yelped as he spun around to face the offending electrical appliance, fists raised. Upon realising what his opponent was, Loki straightened his posture and turned back around to face the snickering teenager.

Loki cleared his throat awkwardly. "Anyway--" he began.

Peter flicked the water from his wet hands at Loki with a grin, interrupting whatever he was about to say.

"Hey! I am a god! You can't do this to me!" Loki exclaimed.

"Alright, sure," Peter laughed, "Have fun with your trickery, or whatever. I'm going back to the group."

"Okay, okay," Loki said, "Just letting you know, though, there may or may not be a little surprise waiting for you out there, have fun!" he said as Peter began waking out the door.

"What do you--" Peter began to say, but when he turned around, Loki was gone. Great. Something else to worry about. With a sigh, he left the bathroom and started walking back towards the dining area.

As Peter passed through the hallway, the sound voices talking in hushed tones reached his ears, thanks to his sort of super-senses. They were coming from a door to his right. Against his better judgement, he stopped to listen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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