MJ gains a lot of new subject matter

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Flash Thompson had been having an... interesting day. At first, it was going great! Hell, he got to go on a trip to Stark Tower! But then he heard about that stupid rumour, and after he got told off by a security guard for accidentally setting off that alarm, his day was officially classified as at least sub-par.

And you know what? If it turned out that Parker actually did have an internship here, that wouldn't really have been too hard to accept. Sure, he'd be annoyed, but it technically was at least in the realm of possibility. But hearing this stuff about some crazy clearance level? That was more than a little unbelievable.

Flash slowly brought his attention back to the scene currently at hand, and he was starting to think that maybe he might have possibly been just a little bit wrong about some things. If Peter had been a normal regular intern, that honestly would've been fine, he decided, but this? This?

What the fuck.

As people gathered around, Peter cringed and ducked his head down in some sort of vague attempt to go unnoticed. The thunder god, however, seemed unperturbed, perhaps even relishing in the attention.

A crowd of his classmates had formed, along with a bunch of other people who were also visiting the museum. Naturally, they were excited, and people were taking photos and talking loudly, trying to get Thor's attention. He began answering questions enthusiastically and posing for photos, and Peter started backing away slowly.

"Thor! How do you know Peter?" one girl called out.

"Ah, yes, Peter! Come over here," Thor boomed. He turned to the young hero with a grin, and in one swift motion, he scooped the boy up and sat him on his shoulders.

"Peter here is just wonderful. Why he-"

"Thor. What are you doing?" Peter hissed.

"I thought you loved sitting up here!"

"I mean. yeah, but my whole class is here and-," Peter leaned closer to whisper in Thor's ear, "Look. You can't say how you actually know me, I've got a secret identity to protect. Just... tell them I'm a normal intern, okay?"

"Ah. Alright then," Thor whispered back, "What is an... intern?"

"Just- say that I work here."

Thor nodded and turned back to the class. "Peter here is fantastic! He works here. In fact, he is a legendary in-tern! Truly the mightiest there is!" he announced, as Peter buried his head in his hands, hiding his embarrassed face. 

This continued for a while, and from his position up high on Thor's shoulders, Peter swept his gaze across the room

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This continued for a while, and from his position up high on Thor's shoulders, Peter swept his gaze across the room. His eyes met Michelle's and she turned around the sketchbook she was holding to reveal one of her 'people in crisis' drawings. On the page was undeniably a sketch of Peter at this current moment, he chuckled and shook his head in response. MJ smiled, then flipped through the sketchbook. She held up another page, which held a drawing of Flash looking incredibly freaked out. She pointed at the real Flash, who had seemingly been standing frozen in shock this entire time. Peter burst out laughing.

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