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Euterpe, meaning “the giver of much delight" or "rejoicing well," was the Muse of Music and was known to entertain the gods on Mount Olympus. Later on, tradition placed her, along with the other Muses, on Mount Helicon, Boeotia, where there was a major cult center to the goddesses, or on Mount Parnassus where the Castalian spring was a major destination for artists and poets. She inspired poets, authors, and dramatists and is usually depicted holding or playing an aulos (double flute).

The mountain spring on Mount Parnassus was sacred to Euterpe and the other Muses. It flowed between two high rocks above the city of Delphi, and in ancient times its sacred waters were introduced into a square stone basin, where they were retained for the use of the Pythia, the priests, priestesses, as well as the oracle of Apollo.

Some people believe that she invented the aulos or double-flute, though most mythographers credit Marsyas or Athena with its invention. Some say she also invented other wind instruments. Euterpe is often depicted holding a flute in artistic renditions of her.

Her and her sisters’ role was to entertain the gods on Mount Olympus. She inspired the development of liberal and fine arts in Ancient Greece, serving as an inspiration to poets, dramatists, and authors (such as Homer).

According to the traditions and beliefs of the Ancient Greeks musicians would invoke the aid of Euterpe to inspire, guide and assist them in their compositions. This would often take the form of a prayer for divine inspiration from the minor goddess.

Pindar and other sources (the author of the Bibliotheca, and Servius), describe the Thracian king Rhesus, who appears in the Iliad, as son of Euterpe- not Calliope- and the river-god Strymon; Homer calls him son of Eioneus.

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