My Lover's Name is Polyhymnia.

17 1 0

20th July, 2018- 31st July, 2018

First time before the Temple
Was I a child; listening to enrapturing tales of a Savior and the Servants of God.

First times before the Temple
Was I a child; listening and applauding-
Never questioning.
Never convicted.
Never owning a Faith to call my own.

First time before the Temple
Was I a child with no spiritual character;
A dead echo of my parents' and family's nurture.
A dead reflection of the times and age of the world-
Of its expectations for me as a child
And for me as someone else- when old.


First time at the Temple
Was I a young girl; listening to enrapturing tales of a Savior and the Servants of God.

First times at the Temple
Was I a young girl; enraptured and questioning-
Never assured.
Never at ease.
Never comfortable with the Faith I was urged to call my own.

First time at the Temple
Was I a child with a budding spiritual character;
A lingering echo of my parents' and family's nurture.
A wondering reflection of the times and age of the world-
Of its expectations for me as a child
And for me as someone else- when old.


First time within the Temple
Was I a youth; listening to enrapturing tales of the Savior and the Servants of God.

First times within the Temple
Was I a youth; questioning and overwhelmed-
Never bored.
Never at standstill.
Never satisfied with the Faith I was yearning to call my own.

First time within the Temple
Was I a youth with a burning spiritual character-
A unique echo of my parents' and family's nurture-
A wandering reflection of the times and age of the world--
Of its expectations for me as a child
And for me as someone else-- when old.


First time within the Temple
Was I a child; listening to enrapturing tales of a Savior and the Servants of God.

Many times was I returning-
Not coming-
And quite a sight to behold, that prodigal child.
Quite a sad fact to tell that it was a time too many to recall.

First time within the Temple...
Was I even in the Temple?
Yes. Yes, I have been in the Temple, but many times was I only in memories;
Truly veered to a different lane where Dark Temples stretch
Down a road with a tabernacle for a vice.


First time before the Temple
Was I a youth; listening to enrapturing tales of the Savior and the Servants of God.

Many times was I kneeling at the steps of the Sanctuary;
Purposing my birth and twisted existence
With progressive Vows of Change and His Sanctification of me
Quite a sad fact to tell that it was a time too many to recall.

First time before the Temple...
Was I even before the Temple?
Yes. Yes, I have even been inside once, but those many times was I in sincerity;
Truly ashamed then to enter once more-
Tainted as I was;
As I could then see I was.


First time away from the Temple
Was I; listening to enrapturing tales of the Savior and the Servants of God.

Many times was I questioning-
And Tested in Faith and Righteousness.
Quite a sad fact to tell that there were many a time when I returned to the Dark Roads-
Too many to recall.

First time away from the Temple...
Was I ever in the Temple?
Yes. Yes, I have been in the Temple, but many times was I only in memories;
Truly veered to a different lane where Dark Worlds stretch down the road;
Each dream for a different hope and desire.

I say, "First time" but only because every time is a
Fresh Start.
There are no longer anymore firsts for me
Here, Before, Within, or Away from the Temple.
Forever would my ears and heart
Hear to listen to enrapturing tales of The Savior and the Servants of God.

Many times do I now return to the Sanctuary-
The One, True; Living God.
Always will I be fighting the pull towards the Dark Roads-
Always 'till Mortal Eternity ends-
But the strain is no more.

For I know Why it is so
And I know How to live on so.

For this "First time"
Am I with my spiritual character
A living echo of my parents' and family's nurture;
A vibrant reflection of the times and age of the world-
And of Christ's expectations for me as a child
And for me as someone else-- when old.

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