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A portal opens up inside one of it's room, then Scathach, Serafall and Y/n came out of it while carrying a unconscious beautiful woman in his arms.

Y/n gently placed her on a bed and asked Scathach to bring Magari and Kunou here

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Y/n gently placed her on a bed and asked Scathach to bring Magari and Kunou here. Scathach nods her head and left the room.
Serafall: Y/n-kun....why..
She asked Y/n with a look of hostility as she remembers those words Y/n said to Cao Cao.
Y/n: I will return it to you but on one condition.
He said with a smirk.
Cao Cao: I will do anything... please return my SACRED GEAR.
Y/n look at him for a moment before healing all his injuries.
Y/n: you just have to do one thing for me
He crouched down to Cao Cao level and showed him Rias, Issei, Sirzechs and Azazel photos.
Y/n: make their life a living hell...if you can do that I will reward you something more powerful than this little spear of yours but....
He said with madness in his eyes.
Cao Cao gulps in fear as he saw the madness in Y/n eyes.
Y/n said with cold eyes.
Cao Cao: more powerful?
Y/n nods his head, Serafall when saw the four photos became enraged and looked at Y/n coldly.
Serafall: Y/n-kun how can you do this...I thought your are a good person but I was so wrong...they didn't do anything wrong so why are you doing this Ri-tan[Rias] is such a pure gir..
She yelled at him coldly but Y/n interrupted her midway.
Y/n:"sigh"don't give me that look Serafall...if you want to know why am I doing this follow me..
Serafall thought for a moment and decides to follow y/n.
Y/n showed her everything how the two little shit betrayed him, and showed her the dark truth of Sirzechs and Azazel and their dirty works, Serafall watched everything in disbelief and in shock. But when she saw how Magari and her faction suffered all this year's under the pressure of her so called friend and Governor of the fallen Angel,she felt her wrath and anger starts to rise from the bottom of her soul and on top of that she couldn't believe her eyes that Rias the girl she called pure is such a power hungry and a shameless bitch.....
Serafall: Y/n-kun....please forgive me.

She felt guilty about the way she had treated Y/n few minutes ago

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She felt guilty about the way she had treated Y/n few minutes ago.
Y/n: Never trust anyone too much, Remember the Devil was once an Angel...
Y/n said and left the room. Serafall with a sad face stares at the spot where Y/n was standing few seconds ago.
Serafall: I'm...sorry....Y/n-kun..
She muttered under her breath with a sad face.
Y/n left the Yasaka Shrine when he sensed a huge magical Aura few miles away from here.
Y/n:Fly...Perfect Unknowable.
He flew away towards the direction of the Magic Source.
Y/n was shocked on seeing the scene infront of him,A heavily injured big green European dragon with black wings is laying on top of the mountain and there's a huge fucking sword is implanted on its back.

Y/n was shocked on seeing the scene infront of him,A heavily injured big green European dragon with black wings is laying on top of the mountain and there's a huge fucking sword is implanted on its back

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Y/n lands infront of the dragon who's groaning in pain. He then cancel his two spell...the dragon was startled on seeing a man... handsome young man appears infront of her out of nowhere.
???: Who...are you..
Y/n was startled on hearing the dragon voice at first he thought it's a male dragon but he was wrong...
Y/n: shh.... don't talk it will increase your pain more let you dragon-chan.
He said with a calm smile,the dragon looked at Y/n with a shock face on hearing his words, in her old world their race is hated by all other race including God's as they are more superior to them in terms of magic & strength and This is the first time a human showed her kindness and that Aura around him is so warm. Y/n slowly starts to pull out the sword while gently stroking her scales to ease her pain.
Y/n: it's okay it's okay..
He gently stroke her scales while cursing internally on seeing how big that fucking sword is and how deep it's implanted in her skin. After pulling out the sword he cast a high tier healing magic on her.
Y/n: see you're fine now..
He said and pats her head, the dragon face turned crimsoned while enjoying his touch.
Y/n: if you don't mind can I ask you one thing..... how did you get that injury..
The dragon thought for a moment before nodding her head and changed into a beautiful woman.

The dragon thought for a moment before nodding her head and changed into a beautiful woman

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Tohru: thank you for saving my life..... I'm tohru.
She express her gratitude to Y/n with a beautiful smile on her face.
Y/n:Y/n L/n you can call me Y/n.
He said with a smile on his face. Tohru then starts to tell him how she got those injuries and how badly  dragon race is treated in her world.
Y/n: "sigh" so a God...
Tohru nods her head
Tohru: yes,I was heavily injured by a God leading a human army.... while protecting young ones from those greedy human and Gods.
She said with a voice full of venom.
Y/n: protecting?
Tohru nods her head
Tohru: we Dragons have a core inside our body....
Tohru told him that one can make  powerful artifact and weapons from a dragon core and that's is the reason why her race is being hunted by those greedy scumbags.
Tohru: Y/n are you a dragon? You see I felt some draconian energy from you when you healed my injuries.
She asked Y/n
Y/n: hmm yes I am.
He said with a calm smile.
Tohru: so this world also have supernatural beings like us.
Y/n nods his head and decides to tell her everything about this world and the Great war and many other things.

Tohru digested all those piece of information with mixed feelings,she was shocked when she heard that this world God already died in Great War and was sad on hearing that the dragon race are very rare in this world. After calming her mind she looked at Y/n.
Tohru: Y/n what type of dragon are you... I'm an Chaos Dragon.
She asked Y/n, Y/n stares at her for a moment.
Y/n: I am.....



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