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Y/n walked out of the church with Hestia and Garou who's carrying Bell on his shoulder.
Y/n: Hmm...let see..
He snapped his fingers,the abandoned building beside the Church starts to disappears in thin air including the rundown church. He rose his hands high up in the air..the ground beneath them starts to shake madly, a huge pillar of light rose up from the ground which starts to slowly fade away leaving behind a beautiful house...

the ground beneath them starts to shake madly, a huge pillar of light rose up from the ground which starts to slowly fade away leaving behind a beautiful house

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Hestia: wow"sparkle" Y/n-nii it's beautiful.
She said with a sparkling eyes, Y/n chuckles and created a beautiful garden filled with rare plants which can be used to make every kind of potions.
Hestia: "gasp" those plants..
She covers her mouth in shock on seeing those extremely rare plants which is very hard to find.

Y/n: We are going to open a potion shop and maybe a weapon shop.
He stated, Hestia gulped on hearing his words.

Y/n: RISE.
Two shadowy figure with glowing eyes came out of his shadow and kneeled infront of Y/n.
Y/n: One of you will make healing potion and one of will make MP potion.
Both of them nods their head, he then creates a small work shop and also another shadow demon who will take care of these rare plants. Y/n walks inside the newly built home with Hestia and Garou. Hestia eyes nearly popped out her head on seeing those costliest household items and also there are some items which she doesn't recognise.

Hestia: what's that?
She asked Y/n while looking at the box like thing.

Y/n: ah that is refrigerator.
He said and told her it's uses.

Hestia: Wow"sparkle" What's that... What's that.
She asked Y/n with sparkling eyes while pointing at the air cooler. Y/n chuckles and shows her how to on it. Garou carried Bell to a different room and gently Placed him on the queen sized bed before deciding to check on the three Shadow demon.
She suddenly remembered the party which is hosted by one of the God.
Hestia: Ah...Y/n-nii..
Y/n looked down at Hestia, who took out a invitation card and shows it to him.
Y/n: Banquet For Gods?
Hestia then told him that she wants him to come with her in the banquet.
Y/n:Well...I don't mind...as long as they don't get on my nerves.
He stated and patted her on the head and told her to go to sleep.

Bell was freaking out at first as he saw everything around him is new and alien like.
[A/N: lol alien like]
Hestia somehow managed to calm him down and told him everything about Y/n...it took Bell more than hour to digest all those information, if it was a normal person he would have never believed him/her but he knows that his Goddess never lies.

Hestia:"sniff" this smell...
Both Hestia and Bell came out of their room when they smelled a tantalizing aroma of spices which made their mouth watered. They came downstairs and saw Y/n is cooking breakfast while Garou is helping him from time to time.
Y/n: Goodmorning... it's almost done.
He said and told them to brush their teeth first if they want to eat the food. Y/n chuckles on seeing how fast both of them ran into the bathroom, as they can't wait to eat his food.