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Infront of Y/n three familiar figure is sitting nervously while waiting for
Y/n to say something.
Y/n: So...mind if I ask what do you guys want?
He asked the three who's none other than Saitama, Genos and Bang.
Bang:"cough" Y/n..who are you and how are you this strong?
He asked Y/n nervously, who looked at Bang for a moment before.
Y/n: hmm....you could say that I am someone who's strong enough to destroy this Solar system... if I wanted too.
He said with a bored yet serious face.
Y/n: And same goes for him...
He said while pointing at Saitama.
Y/n: if I wasn't there at that moment he could've smashed the meteorite with a single punch and shattered it to million pieces....
He said shocking both Bang and Genos.
Saitama: B-but you stopped my punch like it was nothing..
He said while looking at Y/n.
Y/n: you're strong... stronger than anyone I have ever encountered in my life but there are some forces and some beings...who could wipe out an entire universe just by waving their hands..
He stated shocking the trio.
Y/n: And I'm one of them...me and wives are traveling through different dimensions and different universes in search for something that I can't tell you guys... for now..
He said shocking the trio again.
Bang: So you're a God...?
He asked Y/n who's chuckles on hearing his words.
Y/n: I'm far more scarier than a God!
Bang gulped on hearing his words.
Saitama: if you're a God then can I ask you something.
Y/n turned his head at Saitama.
Y/n: Hmm...yes you can.
Saitama eyes lit up in delight.
Saitama: can I regain my hair back...!
Y/n sweat-drops on hearing his words.
Y/n: Yes...I can help you with that!
He said with a smile, Saitama eyes lit up in glee on hearing that he can regain his hair back and Y/n is willing to help him.
Saitama: yesss! Did you hear that Genos..

Genos chuckles on seeing his Sensei's antics

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Genos chuckles on seeing his Sensei's antics.
Genos: I'm happy for you... Sensei!
He said with a genuine smile.
Y/n: Genos I can also help you...if you want, I can create a perfect living vessel for you...and maybe blessed you with some powers.
He stated.
Genos: Really!
Y/n nods his head and looked at Bang.
Y/n: What... about you old man do you want something?
Bang snapped out of his stupor and looked at Y/n.
Bang: I assume you need something in return.
Y/n shakes his head in denial.
Y/n: I don't need anything...So tell me old man what do you want?
He asked him again, latter thought for a moment before looking at Y/n.
Bang: Can you increase my lifespan..
He asked Y/n.
Y/n: Why not immortality you could live for eternity.
He asked Bang.
Bang: immortality is a terrible curse... it's a fate worse than death...I don't want that...
Y/n was amused on hearing his words.
Y/n: hahaha... you're interesting old man...so be it...
He snapped his fingers, Bang felt a warm sensation coursing in his body... he never felt this alive before...his wrinkles starts to disappear...his powers are increasing at an amazing speed...he felt like he could destroy a mountain with a single punch...
Y/n: it's done...old man.
He said with a smile, Bang kneeled infront of Y/n in gratitude.
Bang: Thankyou!
Y/n nods his head and turned his head towards Genos.
Y/n: Step... Forward!
Genos nods his head and rose up from the couch...Y/n touched his forehead... a pillar of bright light engulfed Genos blinding both Bang and Saitama for a moment...eventually the light slowly dissipates...
Y/n: how do you feel ?
He asked Genos who's standing there like an idiot.
Genos: I feel alive and powerful..
He said while touching his face in shock....Y/n chuckles and summons a mirror...

Y/n: you can pretty much do the same thing like shooting energy blast from your hands, superhuman strength and speed just like your past-self but this time your potential is limitless you can now grow stronger with enough training

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Y/n: you can pretty much do the same thing like shooting energy blast from your hands, superhuman strength and speed just like your past-self but this time your potential is limitless you can now grow stronger with enough training...just like your Sensei.
He stated.
Genos: Thankyou...
Genos said in gratitude he wanted to say more but he couldn't able to as he was trying his best not to cry infront of Y/n.
Y/n: Saitama...seems like you're the only one who left...
He said with a smile and snapped his fingers again.