AOT: 6

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Y/n turned his head to Optimus and gave him a small nod, The latter bowed his head respectfully before turning his head to Bee.

Optimus: Bee.

Bee walked up to Pixis and lowered his head as low as he could, Rays of light discharge out of one of his and landed on the ground. Pixis and the garrison soldiers were gobsmacked when they saw the rays of light changing into moving pictures.

Bee patiently showed them the outside world and the people living outside Paradis island. Bee then showed the history of Eldians and Marley.

Optimus: Marley was a powerful nation in ancient times; however, around 2,000 years ago, a slave of the Eldians named Ymir gained the power of the Titans. King Fritz used her abilities to defeat Marley and force their surrender. One of the Marleyans attempted to assassinate Fritz, but Ymir intervened and was killed instead. After Ymir's death, her power was split and passed down to her descendants in the form of the Nine Titans, who built the Elidian empire...


Bee then showed them some old pictures of the Great Titan War while Optimus enlightened them about the 9 aristocratic families who possessed the power of the Titans grew resentful of each other and were in a state of constant bloodshed, which eventually led them to the great war.

Optimus: The Great Titan War was actually orchestrated by Karl Fritz himself, who took pity on the oppressed people of Marley. Believing that the sins of the Eldians were too heavy to justify his rule, he joined forces with the Tybur family and manipulated the other families against each other to destroy his own empire and reinstitute Marley. To that end, both the Tybur family and the King himself fabricated Helos to facilitate the myth that it was the Marleyan people themselves who won the war.

Their eyes widened in shock on hearing Optimus words.

Y/n: The King who you thought is the savior of humankind is the one who brought these calamities upon you.

Y/n added.

Random Soldier: Are you one of them... marleyan...

A random soldier asked Y/n nervously while looking at Optimus and his team.

Y/n: No, these gentlemen here are created out of a special kind of metal.

Pixis: Metal... How?

Pixis asked

Y/n: Sorry, but I can't tell you.

captain: Why not?

Pixis: Silence, Idiot?!

Captain: I... I...

Y/n: Even if i tell you... You will not be able to create one as your empire is lagging in technological progress.

Pixis: I see.

Pixis then turned his attention to the sleek looking aircraft and the massive aircraft hovering above them.

Pixis: Did your people also created these flying machines?

Y/n: Yes.

Y/n nodded before turning his head to Eren Group.

Y/n: Do you mind if I take a sample of your blood?

Y/n asked Eren.

Eren: Uh... umm... my blood...

Y/n nodded.

Mikasa: Why?

Y/n: Well, maybe I could create a cure out of it.

Eren's group: Cure?!

Y/n nodded.

Y/n: Since you could revert back to your human form maybe I could create a cure out of your blood that will help them to Revert back to their original form.

Pixis: Really?

Pixis was shocked after hearing his word if he could really create a cure then... All their suffering will come to an end.

Y/n: Only time will tell whether I could create one or not.

Pixis: I see.

Y/n: Commander Pixis I am going take Eren with me for a week. Optimus & his group is going to stay here until our arrival. If you need any help ask them.

Pixis thought for a few moments before agreeing.

Mikasa: Wait, I am coming with him too!

Y/n: Do as you please.

Y/n turned his head to Optimus.

Y/n: Help them to recapture all the Titans infested areas, If the colossal or the armoured Titan appear again... KILL THEM!!

Everyone flinched at the coldness of his voice.

Optimus: Yes, Creator!

Y/n: Let's go.

Mikasa/Eren: Ye-Yes!

Y/n then entered the small aircraft with Eren and Mikasa.

The aircraft hovered few inches from the ground for a few seconds before blasting into the sky.