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Both Sakura and Rider was shocked when they came to know about the presence of another Medusa from Iris who is married to Y/n not only Medusa but there are many other legendary figures such as Artoria Pendragon, Scathach and Merlin is married to the same man...both Rider and Medea on hearing their names became shocked to their very core.

Medea: w-what h-how..?
Iris chuckles on seeing their shocked faces.

Iris: let me introduce myself...I am Death, the one who governs life and death...nice to meet you.
She stated with a smile, a crown made of unknown material appears above her head adorned with beautiful gems and a large Scythe which was gifted by Y/n appears on her hand.

Sakura/Rider/ Medea: ehhhhhhhh?
Their mouths open wide in shock and in disbelief.. for the next few minutes Iris gave them some knowledge about other universes and who Y/n really is.
Medea, Sakura and Rider gulped on hearing that if Y/n wanted he could destroy worlds with just a snap off his finger.

Rider: t-then w-why such a p-powerful almighty being is participating in this w-war?
She asked Iris.

Iris: who knows...maybe out of curiosity..
She said with a chuckle.

Medea: I see...
Iris smiles and looked at Medea.

Iris: fufu...I know you have feelings for my dear...Medea-chan.
Medea blushed crimson on hearing her words.

Iris: fufu...I don't mind if Medea-chan become our sister.
She said with a chuckle and winked at Medea.

Sakura: but how can be that possible? Once the war is over she have too return to thrones of Heroes even if she don't want to.
She asked Iris in confusion, Medea nods her head with a sad expression.

Iris: heh...then I just have to cut off the connection of Medea-chan from these throne of Heroes.
She stated which shocked everyone in the room.

Rider: you can't...if you did that Alaya will send her counter guardians after Mede...
She stopped when she saw the sadistic smile on Iris beautiful face.

Iris: "smiles"no one can escape from death; even if they are will of a world or a collective unconscious will of mankind...it doesn't matter if you're the happiest person or an unfortunate weeper.A God or a terrifying creature. All are equal in the eyes of the Death.
She said while releasing an aura of dominance.

Medea: t-then can I s-stay with Lord
Y/n forever.
She asked Iris with hope in her eyes.

Iris: yes...you can.
She nodded her head and looked at Rider who is smiling on hearing her words as if she is happy for Medea but one can see a glint of jealousy in her eyes which can not be seen by others except Iris thanks to the eye cover which Medusa is wearing now.

Iris: how about you?
She asked Rider who was startled at first on hearing her words but soon her cheeks reddened and starts to play with her finger while blushing from head to toe.

Iris: how about you?She asked Rider who was startled at first on hearing her words but soon her cheeks reddened and starts to play with her finger while blushing from head to toe

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