August 20th - The Night It All Died.

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August 20, 2011.

I squeezed my eyes shut as the wave of grief washed over me. It was overwhelming, and I felt like I was drowning ----- someone had taken away my air.

Though I knew it was all in vain, I wished desperately it was all a dream, that when I peeked through my eyelids, I'd see the world before tonight, before everything came crashing down. But yet, at the same time, I didn't want to open my eyes. I knew if I did, reality would hit me, hit me hard. And I couldn't go back.

I buried my head under the blankets, trying to hide from the pain, the rejection, the reality. But I knew that I couldn't escape from this.

I opened my eyes a crack, and peered out. A stab of pain went through my heart, and I quickly shut them again, tight. The room was still a mess, books and furniture tossed all around, and her letters ripped up on the floor. My head was spinning and the guilt was engulfing me. What had I done?

Now I had lost her again, and this time, I had a feeling it would be permanent.

They say spilling it all out makes you feel better, so then why did I feel so empty?

It was all so confusing. I wasn't supposed to feel this way. I was always strong and tough, but now... my life was melting into non-existence. All because of her. I was hurt, vulnerable and alone. Because she left me.

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