Ramblings and stuff ^^

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So hey everyone, yeah whoever is reading this, what do you think of my story so far? :) I started it like yesterday, and I kinda typed it all on the spot so sorry if it's kinda rubbishy! I'll edit it when I come up with something better :x Too eager to start out heh :/ Anyway, I actually wrote a book (like a real paper pen book) by the same name, and roughly the same plot. Except it's almost 300 pages long and extremely rambly-ish and nonsensical (I tend to do a lot of random babbling :x) so yeah... I'm just typing whatever I want and it's quite summarized, from memory yeah I'm too lazy to flip through my book xD Anyhow, if you're reading this, please give some feedback! :) I know it's quite weird and I hope it'll get better! Or should I discontinue this story? Let me know! :)

By the way, how do you un-vote something? I'm new to Wattpad, and I think I accidentally voted my own chapters... Can't seem to undo it :/ And what's voting anyway? Someone enlighten me please! xD


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