Summary: Eren and the others returned back to base, they were confronted by the rest of the Survey Corps, however things turned stale after an interrogation between Erwin and Eren, a shock has been revealed amongst the two, Erwin working for the enemy! (AN: Chapter 12 Time, Enjoy!)
'Erwin a traitor, hell no, the one guy who gave us our freedom from that underground City, tskkk this is so messed up, maybe I'll find my answers in his office' Levi thought.
Levi knocks on Erwins Office Door, there was no answer from within,
Levi: "Erwin...... Open the damn door, there's something we need to talk about"
Still no answer from within, Levi immediately barged the door down, he may be a small person, but he had a ton of strength due to his Ackerman Blood. Levi barges in,
Levi: "Erwin........." Levi said with such determination, no one was in the room,
'Wtf, normally he's in this office' Levi thought.
Levi finds the letter on Erwins Desk and unravels it, he didn't want to know the truth, but he did want to know why Erwin was nowhere to be seen.
Levi opens the letter,
To everyone.......
I'm pretty sure you want to know what me and Eren were talking about in the interrogation, you see he was still being controlled by Zeke, you won't know who that is but you will in Due time. Eren was there to kill me, but he didn't, I won't go into full detail but you might have heard what Eren has already.....or probably told you, that 'I am a Traitor' and that answer is correct, I was ready to put everyone else's lives on the line just for my purpose, I purposely sent out majority of the first Division Squad to stop Titans, but they were too weak and ended up dying after the report I read, I wasn't even sad I was laughing in my head, I still am, this so Called Nation is very weak that it actually pisses me off, I will be off from now and none of you's can even stop me, all of you's are weak and deserve nothing but Hell being rained on this land, by me and by the other guy Zeke.
Sincerely your Former Commander
After Levi finished reading the letter he was that pissed off that he actually was about to burst a Vein,
Levi: "That Bastard........ He won't get away with it"
Levi leaves Erwins office and high tails it out of the Survey Corps Base, he looks around to see if anyone was around, he saw most of his comrades around,
Levi: "HEYYY HAVE YOU SEEN ERWIN" Levi said with such anger,
One of the soldiers got terrorfied after what Levi said, they were quivering as they were scared of Levi,
Nikki: "I-I-i-i D-d-dont K-n-n-ow" the solider said while he was stuttering,
Levi: "TSSKK this is just great, Erwin where could of you gone" Levi muttered under his breath,
Hange was also outside and spotted Levi in the mix she went up to him,
Hange: "Heyy Levi what's seems to be the problem"
Levi: "Not now Four Eyes"
Hange: "Come on Levi what's going on"
Levi: "Erwins gone, he left this letter on his desk"
Hange grabs the letter and immediately reads it, she felt as if she was falling down in betrayal and no one was there to pick her up,
Hange: "This can't be........."
Levi: "I know........That's why we must stop him.....Whatever it you in"
Hange: "Your damn right"
Hange: "I have a feeling I may know where he's heading, he always talked about going out of the walls and to the Ocean, him and Armin have that same dream"
Levi: "I don't give a Damn about his Dreams, he crossed a line and must pay"
The two flee from the Base and head West, they grabbed all their 3D Manoeuvering Gear and was heading out on a Mission of theirs.
They didn't have any second thoughts they had to stop Erwin, whatever his motives were, they didn't even care about anything else, but to just stop Erwin,
<Timeskip> (AN: Don't want to write up the entire journey, would've made it too long and boring)
Levi and Hange were already making their way to the ocean, they had slayed every Titan that came in their Sights, they didn't even give them any attention, they were out to stop Erwin.
Once they finally made it to the ocean they were quite surprised to what Armin actually said about it,
Hange: "An ocean as far as the eye kind see, apparently its filled with Salt Water"
Levi: "Not now Four Eyes, let's look for him"
The duo search the whole area, they then see a figure in the distant and recognised who it was, they went up to him with Rage and Determination,
Levi: "Heyyy Asshole, turn around and put your HANDS IN THE AIR"
Erwin checks behind him slightly and leaves his stuff on the floor he turns around slowly, with both his hands in the air,
Erwin: "Sooo you two finally came" Erwin said with a smirk
Hange: "Quit the bullshit, your coming with us, your no longer our Commander"
Erwin: "Ohh, that actually hurt" Erwin said with a smirk,
Erwin: "In fact you two should come along with me, you two could leave this pathetic land and be apart of something big"
Levi: "Andd what MIGHT THAT BE" Levi said with such venom.
Erwin: "Domination, this land will cease to exist, you two can avoid all of that if you tagged along" Erwin said with a smirk.
Hange: "We know where we're from you have no right to say anything, your a traitor to us, what happened to you trying to get rid of all the Titans?"
Erwin: "Hahahhaha you still bragging about that, you are still that Gullible Person Hange"
Levi had had enough, he launched himself towards Erwin and took him by surprise, he knocked him down to the floor,
Levi: "Shut your DAMN FUCKING MOUTH" Levi said,
Erwin: "YOU KNOW IT'S THE TRUTH" Erwin replied back with Venom himself,
Hange scourers the area and notices two Boats, one was for Erwin while the other was for......?
Hange: "Why is there two boats?"
Erwin: "So you really want to know why there's two"
Immediately Erwin turns his back and shouts lightly,
Erwin: "YOu CAn COme OUt NOw"
Levi and Hange turn to see someone coming out of a small hiding spot,
Levi eyes widens as he sees who it is,
Mystery Person: "Been a loong time Levi"
Levi: "KENNNNNYYYYY" Levi said with such ferocity.
There Comes A Time
FanfictionAfter rescuing Eren from Reiner and Bertholdt, Eren was feeling very down about what he gets himself into, not only involving the rest of the Survey Corps but getting most of them killed, the Guilt and Adrenaline is too much for Eren to handle that...