[ Chapter 13 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.   

I got blood on my desk and a few pages of my sketch book. My jacket is stained and my arm is completely covered in blood, with that being said, how do I clean this mess?, my hand is already stained with blood and if I touch the door handle it'll get stain and Victor and the others will notice me. I'm already a bad liar so, I can't do anything about it. I stood up from my seat as I hold the bloody blade in my bloody hand, I walk to the door and open it with my hand that is not bloody.

A few drops of blood drip from my fingers and I walk out of my office, as I made my way to the restroom. I see the others were focused on their laptop screens and phone, I brought my bloody arm to my torso, also trying not to stain it on my tank top i speed walk.

" Y/n " I heard my name and I froze.

Fuck, It's Dante.

" what? " I asked.

" we already saw the blood when you open the door " he said, I close my eyes and sigh as I put down my bloody arm and I open my eyes.

" fine, you caught me, yay " I said sarcastically as I turn around to see Dante standing there with worried eyes and Katelyn in the background, sitting on her desk looking at me with the same expression.

" it's not funny Y/n " he said,

" you see this? " I put up my bloody hand up and gave him a middle finger.

" fuck you " I turn away and started walking my way to the female restroom.

I enter and walk to the sink, I turn on the faucet and rinse my arm as the stinging sensation began. I clench my hand into a fist and my other hand holding the edge of the platform. 

I close my eyes and held in the pain, I just let it sit there for two minutes when I heard the door open. My eyes shot open and see the sink was full of water that is mixed with my blood heavily. A first aid kit was place beside the sink. I look up at the mirror and see Natalie, she doesn't look up and open the first aid kit.

She turn off the faucet and grab my arm, drying it with a towel, blood was also staining the towel.

~ Time Skip ~

I grab my bag when I see the time was 5:32 pm. I hang my bag on my shoulder and exit my office, closing the door and try to find the keys to lock the door, cause I have like ten keys on my key chain.

Natalie bandaged my arm this afternoon, she doesn't really say anything, everyone here knows about my personality so they obviously know what to do sometimes. Laurence went back home, he did ask me a few things to do beforefor he left.

As for Ryan and Gabbie, Victor had Dante, Katelyn, Garroth and Travis on a mission. There was no news from them yet, I'm just hoping they're fine. Not because I'm worried, it's because of Texon. But that's another story and you'll know that sooner or later, right now, I don't feel like talking about it.

After I was distracted from my thoughts, dropping my keys snap me back to reality, I bent down my keys to pick it up and try to find the correct keys to lock my office and finally did. I turn around to walk away when a person stood there and it startled me.

" fucking bitch! " I took a step back, dropping my keys again and sighed in relief to see Ash.

" sorry " he said.

" what? " I said.

" Victor told me to drive you home since you came with Laurence " he said.

" I can get an uber, I'm fucking 21 " I said.

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