[ Chapter 43 ]

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Y/n's pov.   

I sighed in relief palming my forehead as I sit on my office chair, I'm on my phone with Yukio, she said Mitsunari was shot in the stomach, he passed out and now he's in the hospital.

" yeah, i'll be there in the next few hours, right now I'm really busy " I said.

" by the way how are things with you and Nathan? " she asked.

" not really that good, he joined the Divines, but we both don't seem to talk that much anymore like we used to, right now I'm being a bitch and my mental mind is just isn't stable " I said.

" did you took your pills? " she asked, I stayed silent.

" Y/n " she said

" okay, okay, I didn't take my pills, plus they're not effecting me anymore, the doctors just gave me the same one every year " I said.

" whether it works or not, you have to take it " she said, and I hear a glass broken, I chuckled.

" everything okay with you and Ruki? " I asked.

" he just broke another vase, i'll talk to you later I guess " she said, I chuckled again.

" bye " she said.

" bye " I ended the call.

I place my phone on the table just shrug the thought off, continuing to fill in the reports.

Then a knock was on my door, I look up and see Nathan.

" Victor said we're having a meeting later " he said.

" um no, I'm going to visit Mitsunari after this so sorry " I said as I did a smile and look back down on the papers.

" why? " he asked, I look back up at him.

" cause he just got shot when he was on a mission last night, and i'm visiting him in the hospital later " I said.

" don't be late back " he said.

" oh I will " I smirked.

He sighs and walk away.

I stretch my body and move to the side to see if he's gone and I don't see him in sight. I slam my pen down and exhale as I roll my eyes away and lean back on my chair.

~ Time Skip ~

I enter the hospital and walk to the counter.

" um, Mitsunari Murakami? " I asked, the girl on her desk started to look at the monitor, typing some letters in and clicking the mouse.

" room 106 " she said, I nodded.

" thank you " I said and walk away.

Walking down the hallway, searching the room, I found it and knock on the door as I push it open, there I see Yukio sitting on a chair and Ruki on her lap and Mitsunari on the bed in the hospital pajamas.

I snorted.

" you look weird " I said.

" of all times, the first thing you said when you see your best friend is him looking weird? " Yukio asked, I chuckled.

" you'll get used to it " Mitsunari said, and I close the door.

" I don't know why Sasuke is friends with you " she said.

" anyways, how's the wound? " I asked.

" they got the bullet out, no internal bleeding so I should be out in the next two days " Mitsunari said.

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