[ Chapter 41 ]

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*don't play song*

Y/n's pov.

" good job Y/n " Katelyn said and punch the guy, knocking him out cold.

" sorry " I said and break the guys neck.

We were entering the building and was eavesdropping on five guys, and I sneezed. We got four guys, well I killed one of them, the other escaped, which means dad is probably informed that we're here. We didn't use guns cause we don't want to alert anyone else but I guess we failed cause the one guy escaped.

" allergies " I said.

" your not allergic to anything " Nathan said.

" whatever " I said.

" stay cautious, F/n could come out at any second " Luke said.

" the basements this way " Anson said and we follow him.

We turn a corner and there we see a chair in the middle of the room. We all follow Anson and I stop behind the chair, placing my hand on the chair.

" rest in peace Zaylee " I sighed.

" come on " Travis pulls me away and we walk to the direction of Anson walking to.

We turn another corner and that's when men's starting to surround around us.

" just go with it " I said and take out my gun, shooting the person in front of me.

Taking cover behind the pillar, after a while, I ran out of bullets, throwing that gun away I grab my extra two and I turn, got some of the men and I missed a few. I take cover again when I realized I used all of my bullets, reloading with the extras I have again.

" you know it's weird that your using a bow and arrow " Ivy looks at Travis.

" yeah well, archery is like my hobby " he said and turn shooting an arrow as it pierce into a guys chest.

" i'm out " Nathan said, I pass him my last magazine and he reloads.

I turn back around and just finish my bullets. Throwing both the guns on the ground and I click a button on my cuff bracelet. I flinched when a bullet went pass me. A hologram appears and look at the map of this area. I see pillars where we're hiding and corners where some of the Shadow Knights hiding.

A keypad appeared and I put in a code.

" what are you doing? " Laurence asked.

I press enter and a beep sound was made, and I grab the grenade I had on my waist throwing it at the men's. I cover my ears and it blow up.

The dust clears for a few seconds later, taking out my katana and I walk in to the open, there was only one alive, I walk over to him.

" where is he? " i asked.

" fuck you " he said.

" okay " I stab him on the chest.

Taking out the katana out of him, I scrape the blood on the wall. Putting it back in it's sheath.

" what's wrong with you? " Dante asked.

" what? " I asked.

" your acting really weird to be honest " Nathan said.

" i'm always weird " I said.

" no, your not, what's on your mind really? " Natalie asked.

" nothing is on my mind " I said and turn away.

" come on " I said and when I turn a corner to the direction where we're supposed to go, I immediately stop when a gun was on my forehead.

" damn you " I said as I look at him who is smirking.

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