Four - Yoongi appa

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Jina, three years old

Yoongi's POV

"Are you sure you can take care of Jina for me when I'm gone?"

I nodded for the umpteenth time at Jieun who had worry written all over her face.

"It's just grocery shopping, Kwon Jieun. And is this my first time doing this?" She shook her head. "Precisely. Now go!" I assured her, and finally saw her relaxing her tensed muscles before nodding.

"Alright, I'm leaving now. Bye!" She chirped before hopping onto her bicycle and cycled away.

Turning around while closing the door, I walked towards Jina who was watching 'Frozen' with her eyes practically glued onto the television screen.

"Jina-ah, come and sit with appa on the couch." I hollered, and she immediately obliged.

I let her sit on my lap and lean her back on my abdomen, my arms wrapping around her as she continued to suck on her milk bottle.

Her eyes were still staring at the screen, and she jumped in excitement when the snowman (sorry not sorry for not knowing the name) started to sing.

"Appa! Look!" Jina pointed at the screen excitedly and forced me to watch with her by adjusting my head so I was watching the TV like her.

Was I supposed to be fascinated by a singing snowman?

"Are you done drinking your milk yet?" I asked her, and she nodded before showing me her empty bottle.

Grinning, I patted her head.

"Good girl. I will put this for you in the kitchen alright? You continue to watch." I said gently to her while taking the bottle away from her and went towards the kitchen.

I washed the milk bottle and soaked them in warm water before leaving the kitchen to grab my laptop from my bag.

Taking my laptop out along with some blank music sheets and writing instruments, I spreaded them on the coffee table and sat cross-legged in front of it with Jina watching the movie behind me on the couch.

Aspiring to be a music producer, I was working hard to write songs that would touch hearts and souls.

Jotting down random words that popped up in my mind, I tried to rearrange the words to form lyrics for the song that I had been producing for two weeks now.

I was about to write a new line when Jina placed her chin on my shoulder to take a peek of what I was doing.

"Appa, what are you doing?" She questioned, curiosity evident in her huge eyes.

"I'm writing a song. Wanna help?" I chuckled when she nodded her head fervently.

She climbed down the couch and sat between my legs and grabbed a pencil before scribbling lines on an empty sheet.

"Jina-ah, that's not how you help appa." I laughed, and she widened her eyes.


"Nope." I shook my head while pinching her cheeks. "How about... you press randomly," I jokingly gestured towards the keyboard that was connected to the laptop, "and I will find the beat, okay?"

"Okay." I was sure that she was extremely confused about what I had just said, but with my guidance, I taught her how to press on random keys on the keyboard and she was quick to learn.

I was glad that she was a fast-learner, like me.

Jina pressed a key, and looked up at me with expectant eyes.

Chuckling, I gestured for her to continue, and she did.

To my surprise, instead of spamming the keys, Jina was actually testing out the melody that was produced by each unique key.

With her small index finger, she experimented on one, then the other, and when she felt something, she went back to the first one again.

My eyes widened when I realized that she was creating a melody from the random keys she was pressing on.

She kept repeating on the four keys, and as if there was a light bulb above my head, it got switched on in no time.

"Jina! You're a genius!" I exclaimed when she turned to look at me after pressing the keys for a few more times.

Quickly scribbling down the notes and the melody, I tried to put in words and weirdly, for the first time in forever (no pun intended), everything was actually going on smoothly.

I felt bad for letting Jina watch me work intensely from the side all by herself, but thanks to this little girl I was proud to call my daughter, my first ever song that I was sure that would be a hit was born.

"I'm back!" A voice suddenly emerged out of nowhere, and it didn't take me long to realize that it was Jieun who was now back home.

"Eomma!" Jina stood up from the ground and ran towards her mum before hugging her legs.

Jieun chuckled while placing the groceries on the kitchen top before carrying Jina who kept begging Jieun to carry her.

Carrying her with one arm, Jieun walked towards me and raised her eyebrows.

"Are you producing music again?" She asked, and I nodded.

"Jieun-ah, I got to tell you something." I blurted happily, and saw Jieun furrowing her eyebrows while smiling.

"What is it?"

"First, listen to this and tell me what you think." I played the recorded melody played by Jina earlier just now, and with it on a loop, Jieun crinkled her nose and her eyebrows even more.

"Look, I wish I know what you're trying to make me understand but I-"

"Jina played this." I cut her off, startling her.

"She- this?" Jieun was dumbfounded, her mouth was slightly opened. "How?"

"She's musically gifted, Jieun-ah." I embraced her with a hug, and Jina who was still in her arms giggled when I did so.

"Jina loves warm hugs." Jina said, and we both raised an eyebrow at her.

"Did you just quote 'Frozen'?" Jieun questioned her incredulously with an amused smile.

"What is quote?" Jina asked us, causing us to laugh.

I continued to hug the both of them, not wanting to let them go.

"You know, if this song goes viral, I will buy us an even bigger house so both Jina and you can stay more comfortably." I spoke softly into Jieun's ear.

"Oppa, I-"

"What did I promise you when you were pregnant with Jina?" I pulled myself away and gazed at Jieun's huge eyes.

"That you would.. protect us forever." Jieun smiled weakly, and I found myself smiling back at her too.

"Exactly. So let me do my job of protecting the both of you, okay?" I ruffled Jieun's hair while pinching Jina's cheeks.

They both shot me glares and swatted my hands away.

"You two are eerily alike when you both do the exact same things."


am very very sleepy atm zzz

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