Twenty-Four - Namjoon appa

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Jina, 24 years old

Namjoon's POV

"Morning boss."

I nodded my head at my employees as I walked pass them, my glasses perched nicely on top of my nose.

It had been years since I had taken over my father's company, and despite hating it when I was younger, I was used to how running a company worked now.

I no longer despised it, but was just... immuned to it, I supposed.

As my PA informed me with my schedule for the day, I stifled a yawn, my brain already screaming me at me to get a cup of coffee to kick off the day.

My tired eyes blinked a few times as I spotted a group of unfamiliar faces standing together, their eyes wide and stances restless, and I knew, that they were the new interns who were supposed to work with us for three months.

"Are they the new interns?" I cut off my PA abruptly, earning a hiss before getting a nod from him. "Should I speak to them?"

My PA stared at me in disbelief as if I had grown a second head, since, it was well-known that I never bothered to talk to new interns.

"Um- you can, I think. Won't you scare them off though?"

Shooting a glare telling my PA to shut up, I walked towards the group, and they were instantly on high alert as they started to greet and bow with a whole ninety degrees.

"Good morning guys." I greeted them back with a smile, and I did a double take when I saw a familiar face among the group of eight.

He grinned politely at me, sending me a small bow at the back of the group.

"This is the CEO you are all talking to." My PA announced unnecessarily, shocking the poor young interns as I nudged at him to keep quiet.

If it weren't for his efficiency, I would have fired him long ago for being nosy all the time.

"Who are you waiting for?" I asked, eyes checking the time on my wristwatch.

"It's me- boss!" I heard a gasp from one of the employees from the Human Resource department, and a smirk formed on my face when his disheveled state stumbled into the company building.

"Why were you late?" I questioned, arms crossing together.


Waving my hand up dismissively, I cut him off and gave him a sweet smile.

Yes, I used the word - sweet.

"This is your fifth time arriving late to the company, don't think that I didn't realize that." I paused, sensing the heightened fear building among the interns. "You better give me a valid reason or you can prepare to pack your things and go back home this instant. You know how I can never tolerate with tardy people."

"B-boss, please forgive me! My wife has recently just given birth and we are still new to all these! Please forgive me!" He pleaded, his forehead wrinkles crinkling together as his eyes shimmered with tears.

"Baby, huh?" I found myself asking mindlessly, my eyes softening at the dark circles beneath his eyes.

"Y-yes, boss." He was practically whimpering.

Heaving a sigh, I spoke again. "Fine. I'll let you off this time."

"Thank you boss!" He bowed repeatedly, and I cleared my throat signalling my PA to make him stop.

After the little incident in the lobby, I was back in my office which was located in the highest floor in the building.

Groaning in exhaustion, I placed my pen down and stretched my limbs, my focus redirected to the two photos shielded behind the transparent glasses.

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