Twenty - Home

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Jina, 20 years old

Jina's POV

"It's not working between us anymore, can't you feel it? The sparks we used to have are no longer there."

Hearing that, I maintained the poker face I had on, and sighed deeply before nodding my head, feeling defeated.

"I agree, let's break up on good terms then."

Kyungsoo gave me a sad smile before standing up and pulled me into a long hug, his arms wrapped around me for the very last time before letting me go.

I glanced at his face, and it was my turn to return him a sad smile of my own when I could no longer find the twinkle in his doe-like eyes like how we used to gaze at each other this way.

The ends of his eyes no longer showed wrinkles as he smiled, and that was when I knew, that it was the best for us to go on our separate ways.

"Goodbye Jina, I really did love you, and I hope you'll find someone who loves you for you." Kyungsoo patted my head, and gestured me to enter the bus which had coincidentally arrived. "Goodbye."

I climbed the bus, and waved my hand at him. "Goodbye, and thank you for the time we had together. And I hope that you'll be able to find the right girl as well."

My heart felt oddly numb, as if I was already expecting the breakup to happen sooner or later since weeks ago.

We used to be so happy together, creating so much memories as we grew together, but as time went on, the dates eventually turned into a routine, and even if we were on the dates, we wouldn't even be conversing much but would spend time on our phones instead.

Exhaling a long sigh, I unlocked the front door and grinned softly at the giggles from the kitchen, the sweet sugary scent invading every nook and cranny of our little house.

"I'm home!" I announced loudly, and the giggles immediately stopped, making me chuckle as I made my way towards the kitchen.

"Jina, you're back!" Jimin appa beamed as soon as he spotted me standing at the doorway, his face tainted with bits of flour.

My mum, on the other hand, was busy putting in a cake batter into the oven, her back facing the both of us while I plopped down onto one of the chairs and rested my cheek on the table.

And just for your information, Jimin appa finally gathered the courage to ask my mum out, and thankfully the latter had accepted it.

They were worried that I wouldn't be comfortable with the idea of them being literally a couple, and I had to assure and reassure them a billions of times before finally believing me.

"How was your date honey?" My mum asked when the doorbell rang, and after excusing himself, Jimin appa left us to open the door.

"W-we broke up, eomma." I stuttered, the words getting choked in my mouth, my tears starting to form as I glanced up at my mum whose face had instantly dropped at the news.

"Oh sweetie, come here."

I started to sob hysterically as I ran into her opened arms, now being unable to control my overflowing tears and waves of emotions.

"I-I thought I w-would be fine but I f-feel so sad right n-now." I admitted as she caressed the back of my head lovingly and warmly, making me snuggle even further with her.

Her warmth was the only remedy I could have now, and I really needed it to patch my broken heart back up.

However, my trance got broken when a loud voice echoed in the house as he shouted.

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