Eight - Taehyung appa

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Jina, five years old

Taehyung's POV

I watched the little girl run towards me, her short legs taking large steps as she did so, with her backpack hitting her back repeatedly.

"Don't run or you'll fall, Jina-ah." I beamed when she hugged my leg with a satisfied smile.

"Appa." She giggled before holding her hand up high for me to hold.

What did I do in my past life to have such an adorable child by my side?

"Should we go eat? Your eomma is waiting for us at the restaurant." I spoke softly to her, and she nodded.

Just then, she halted her footsteps suddenly.

Worried, I crouched down to match her eye level with my eyebrows furrowed.

"What's wrong?" I asked while pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I forgot to say goodbye to teacher and my new friends."

My heart pumped faster than it's normal speed at those words.

Laughing, I gestured for her to go.

Why was she so pure and innocent?

She didn't deserve the truth.

Shaking my thoughts away, I noticed a woman who was dressed in extravagantly fancy clothings glancing my way.


I smirked mentally at her taste that was similar to mine.

"Hi there, why would a good looking young man like you be doing here?" She suddenly approached me, and I kept my poker face.

"Just picking up my daughter." I answered her politely.

I thanked the stars that Jina was back as I felt her slip her small hand into my larger one.

"S-she's your daughter?" The woman looked shocked, her eyes widened and mouth agape.

"Yeah. Any problem with that?" I questioned, not wanting to sound rude but I didn't like the tone she was implying with.

"N-no. It's just that.. I saw her with another pair of couple, the guy was pretty handsome too..." She mumbled with a small voice, but I managed to catch what she was saying.

"Dongguk!" Jina suddenly yelled, making me tilt my head towards a little boy who was running towards us.

"Annyeong Jina-ah." He shyly waved, and averted his gaze when he saw me smiling at him.

"Say bye bye to your friend, Jina." I told her, and she did what she was told to.

After giving Dongguk one last wave, I brought Jina to my car and after making sure that she was safe with the seatbelt strapped around her at the backseat, I hopped onto the driver seat and drove.

Jina doesn't deserve the truth.

Shaking my head again, I switched on the radio and heard Jina scream in excitement.

"It's my favorite song!" She grinned lopsidedly at me through the rearview mirror, and I returned her a sincere smile. "Yoongi appa wrote that."

"I know." I felt proud that my hyung's song was a success.

When it went viral, he didn't stop himself from boasting that Jina was the one who had helped him compose the song, claiming that she was a music genius.

If she had inherited her father's gene, then yes, I wouldn't be surprised to see her being an ace in the musical world.

We jammed along the other songs in the car on the way towards the restaurant.

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