Thirteen - Unconditionally

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Jina, fourteen years old

Jina's POV

"Kwon Jina!"

Groaning, I plastered a fake smile before turning around to face the annoying girls in my school in the hallway I was in.

"Yes? Do you need something from me?" I smiled sweetly, already knowing what they were thinking in their minds.

These freaking pervs.

"Is your dad coming to pick you up today?" One of them giggled, and I had to resist the urge to throw her a punch onto that fake face of hers.

I promised myself not to resort matters using violence since nine years ago, as it had caused one of my favorite people to nearly die just because of me.

So, I pretended to be clueless instead. "Oh, which dad of mine?"

See, the thing was, I was popular among the girls because of my unnecessarily good-looking dads.

Since kindergarten, my dads always had my classmates' mums to flirt with them shamelessly, and now that I was older, even my schoolmates were behaving that way.

Screw you appas! For being so darn handsome!

"The doctor one." One of them chirped.

"The CEO! His dimples, oh god." Another added.

"I prefer the one Jina calls oppa instead of appa." The third girl commented.

I was very very close from whacking their faces, as I was feeling the secondhand embarrassment for them.

Seriously! How could they be so shameless?

"So, which one is coming today?" They giggled again, and I forced a smile, my fingers clutching onto my textbook more tightly.

"Taehyung appa." I muttered, and there they were, squealing like a group of dying seagulls.

"You're so lucky, Jina! Taehyung is honestly still so cute with his innocent grin despite being almost twenty years older than us." One of them sighed dreamily, and I decided that I had enough.

"Well, good for me then. I gotta go or he will bite my head off." I dismissed them nonchalantly before scrambling out of the building, allowing my legs to lead the way.

I rolled my eyes when I saw Taehyung appa leaning against his expensive silver car that was shimmering under the sunlight, with the first few buttons of his white dress shirt left unbuttoned on purpose.

He had always loved to show off his good looks whenever it was his turn to pick me up from school, and today was no exception either.

A small smile tugged on my face when Taehyung appa grinned as soon as he noticed me taking big strides towards him.

"Jina-ah!" He chirped happily, ruffling my hair in the process.

"You just have to do this whenever you come and pick me up right?" I laughed before turning around to glare at my schoolmates who were staring at my dad in awe. "Please leave and stop gawking at my appa for goodness sake!"

They quickly dispersed hearing my raised voice, and Taehyung appa started chuckling at my pout.

"You're so alike with your mother that it's scary." He stated while opening his door to enter the driver seat with me doing the same action on the other side.

"I'm her daughter, of course I'm going to be like her." I replied while buckling my seatbelt. "Where are we going now?"

Changing the gear, Taehyung appa started to drive before answering me. "I have to travel to the other part of the city to check on my restaurant's branch and your mother is busy with handling her flower shop now. Do you wanna go there? I mean, I'm worried that it would be too noisy for you to do your homeworks and stuff, and she never lets you stay at home alone."

"How about Jungkook oppa? Is he free now? It's been a while since I last saw him."

"Unless you want to be the third-wheel, then, be my guest." Taehyung appa smirked, and I blushed just by imagining me disturbing Jungkook oppa with his girlfriend on a date.

"Oh god no." I shook my head. "Seokjin appa is never free, so he's a no no."

"Bingo. He recently got promoted to be the Head of Emergency Department, so he's going to be extremely busy from now on." Taehyung appa added.

"What about Yoongi appa? What is he doing now?" I turned my head to look at my dad who furrowed his eyebrows as he thought hard.

"I think he's free, but I have no idea where he's at." He answered, his long fingers pressing some buttons on the built-in touchscreen. "Let's call him."

"Okay." I obediently nodded and listened to the caller ringtone ring for precisely four times before it was finally picked up.

"Hello?" Yoongi appa's voice echoed in the car. "Taehyung, why did you call me?

"Appa! It's me, Jina."

"Oh. What's up, my girl?" His chuckles had always reminded me of honey. "What do you need? Did Taehyung just pick you up from school?"

"Yes, we are in the car now." Taehyung appa replied.

"Are you free now? Both Taehyung appa and eomma are busy and I'm not allowed to stay at home alone so..."

"Oh, I'm at my studio right now. Do you want to come here?"

"Yes! I won't be disturbing you or anything right?"

"No, just come. Taehyung, you know where my studio is right?" Yoongi appa asked, and Taehyung appa nodded, even though it was obvious that my older appa couldn't see him.

"He just nodded." I laughed, and Taehyung appa shot me a sheepish glance before joining me and laughed as well.

I was greeted by Yoongi appa's staff as I walked into his company, and shivered a little when the air-conditioning system attacked me without warning.

The staff who were wandering around greeted me with polite smiles as I walked towards the lift, with me already having the entire building's inside memorised inside my head.

Pressing the floor button where Yoongi appa's studio would be at, I clutched onto the straps of my bag and tapped my foot lightly on the ground, and then exited the lift when I reached the floor.

Soft music was heard playing as I neared his studio, and I smiled knowing that he was probably producing new songs again.

Yoongi appa was now a famous producer in South Korea, as his talent in writing and produring songs was recognized worldwide after his first song became a hit.

He never failed to remind that I was the one who kinda composed the song as well.

"Appa?" I peeked my head inside after opening the door, and saw him softly bobbing his head with headphones worn over his beanie.

Despite being at the age of thirty-four, I was still amazed by how smooth and spotless Yoongi appa's milky skin was.

Tapping his shoulder, he did a little jump on his seat before whirling around to glare at whoever had dared to touch him, but his gaze softened immediately upon seeing me.

"You're here. Why didn't you call me before coming inside?" Yoongi appa removed his headphones as I plopped down on the couch in the studio.

"I did, but you didn't hear it." I yawned, already feeling exhausted.

Chuckling, Yoongi appa threw me a blanket with a gummy smile. "Take a nap."

"Okay." I stifled a yawn again as I spreaded out the blanket and covered myself with it.

The blanket smelled exactly like Yoongi appa, and as I breathed in and out in a rhythmically pace, I eventually fell asleep inhaling his comforting scent.

As I drifted off to sleepland, I thought about what the girls had said.

I was lucky indeed, to be blessed with these men and also a mother who loved me unconditionally.


Did u get surprised with the time skip HAHAHAHAHAHA

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