Chapter 2

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Hugh is still getting used to Peter when the door opens and a young officer stands in the doorway. "There is another one detective. Hikers found the body at Wood Acre Forest this morning. They are waiting for you at the scene," the man says and notices Hugh sitting behind his desk. "Welcome to LAPD sir. I am Officer Davids. I hope you enjoy your time here," he says and leaves the office before Hugh can respond. "What was he talking about?" Hugh asks. Peter gets up and grabs his car keys. "I will explain in the car. We have to go now," he says. Hugh gets up and follows him out the door and towards Peter's white Pickup truck. Several minutes pass before the silence in the vehicle is broken. "You still have to tell me what is going on," Hugh reminds Peter. They are almost at the forest. "Have you ever done a serial killer case?" Peter asks Hugh. "No. Is this what this is?" Hugh asks in disbelief. In Essex the worst crimes he saw was robberies, rape and murder, but never a serial killer. "Yes, we call him the 'No Hate' killer. He's been killing young girls for 3 years now, but we were never able to catch him. He used to kill one every two months, but now we find one every week. This city is starting to get paranoid, but we never have enough evidence to find the killer," Peter explains. He sounds sad when he talks about the No Hate killer. The memories from the past come back every time another victim is found. Another family has to find out that their daughter has been slaughtered by a serial killer. "That is terrible. How does he do it?" Hugh asks. Peter turns into the road leading to the forest. "He stabs them to death and then dumps their naked bodies wherever he wants to," Peter replies. He parks the truck next to the coroner vehicle and unlocks the doors. "Prepare yourself for what you are about to see. It is quite upsetting for people who see his victims for the first time," Peter warns Hugh. They get out of the vehicle and head down the footpath. "Why do you call him the No Hate killer? He must hate people if he does this," Hugh says. "He places a No Hate Bracelet on the victim's wrist. The bracelets were sold to create awareness for abuse. We think that the killer was abused as a child and is killing the person who did it, over and over again. All the victims have dark hair and brown eyes, and are between 16 and 20 years old. This is his 32nd victim," Peter says. Hugh is nervous about what is waiting on him, but he doesn't want Peter to know. After walking for a few minutes they reach the site. They change into the personal protection suits and enter the crime scene. A blonde woman approaches them. "You must be Detective Brown. I am Alice, the Medical Examiner," she says. "It is nice meeting you. I just wish it was under better circumstances," he says. She leads them towards the corpse laying in a clearing. When they reach the body, Hugh can feel the vomit coming up in his throat. The girl is naked and deep cuts cover her torso. Hugh doesn't understand how a human being can do this to someone. She looks just a few years older than his daughter. "Excuse me," he says and walks back to where they came from. He can't hold the vomit inside and throws up in the long grass. The picture of her bloody, naked body is burnt into his mind forever. He has to go back, but he can't. He can't bare seeing a girl as young as that being hurt in the way she was. It is so gruesome that is makes him sick. He knew he had to be prepared, but nothing could prepare him for that. Peter carries on without Hugh. He expected that reaction. He realises that it is a difficult sight, but Hugh has to grow a pair. As things stand now, this might not be the last victim. "Judging by the scene he carried her out here, covered his tracks and drove off. Many people come to hike here, so there is no way to find out which tracks belong to him," she says. Peter can feel the blood boiling in his body. He has done this long enough and he is not going to put up with this anymore. He will not rest until this guy is out of the way. "Do we know who she is?" Peter asks Alice. "She matches the picture of a girl who went missing 5 days ago. Her name is Tamara Ray. She is only 17 years old," she says. The deep lacerations on her wrists and ankles show the days of being tied up. "We have to find him before he kills another one," Peter says. Alice walks with Peter towards Hugh, who is just pacing as he is waiting for them to finish up. "I am sorry. I tried my best, but that was horrible," he says. "It's fine. Just try harder next time. We are leaving in 5 minutes," Peter says and takes off the protective clothes. Hugh takes off his as well. Peter walks away from Alice and Hugh to make a phone call. "You don't have to apologize. That was a normal reaction. Have you seen a corpse before?" Alice asks. "Yes, but nothing like this. It would normally be an older victim, fully clothed and a single gunshot wound to the chest. I have never seen a young girl like that being violated in such a way. It is just cruel," Hugh says. Alice places her hand on his shoulder. The feeling of his warm body sends shivers down her spine. She is attracted to this stranger with the beautiful accent, blonde hair and blue eyes. "You will get used to it. It is a horrible thing, but it happens. I see it every day and will never be okay with it, but I got used to it," she says in an attempt to comfort him. Peter is done talking on the phone and walks back in their direction. "It was nice to meet you. I will see you at the office when I am done with the autopsy," she says and walks back towards the corpse of the young girl. "Are you ready to leave?" Peter asks Hugh, who is still staring at Alice. "Yes," he says and they head back to the car.

Deadly Past (A serial killer novel) - FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now