Chapter 6

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As he sits on his couch he is haunted by the memories of his past. He doesn't know how to tame the anger inside of him. Killing those girls helps, but it is not the relief he desires. He likes the thrill, but he requires satisfaction. His past is eating at him more and more every day. He just can't forget what Mia did to him. The way she treated him, the way she violated him.

He was twelve years old when he first met Mia. His parents were on their way to a formal function and he couldn't stay home alone. They hired a babysitter. He liked her when he first met her. She was seventeen years old and a beautiful girl with her brown hair and hazel eyes. They spent the night watching movies, with popcorn and cold drinks. He though she was incredible. He begged his parents to keep using her as his babysitter. That was the biggest mistake of his life. At the beginning everything was fine, but all of it changed just after his thirteenth birthday. He was in his bedroom doing homework when she came in. She closed the door and locked it. He didn't know why she was doing that. He asked her what was going on. She just told him that she wanted to give him a good time. She molested him in the room that he always felt safe in. She stole his innocence that night. He cried afterwards and she told him not to tell anyone or her boyfriend will hurt him. She told him that it is their secret and no-one should know. After she left his room, he cried and didn't know what to do. He couldn't believe that she would do that to him. The abuse didn't stop. Every time she came to babysit him, she would do the same, and every time she would utter the same threat. After six months she moved away and he was finally free from her, but he could not forgive her for what she did. The next few years followed with suicide attempts and alcohol abuse to cope with the pain that never went away. He couldn't stay in relationships and he didn't trust anyone. He wanted to get revenge, but he didn't know how. Three years ago he decided to track her down. After a month of searching he finally found out that she moved back to town and he went to her house. When he saw her, he knew that he was going to stand up for himself this time. He knocked on her door and when she opened the door he could see that she didn't recognise him. He felt hurt to know that the woman who ruined his life just moved on and forgot about the damage that she caused. He told her his name and he saw the shock on her face. He dragged her out of her house and took her to his car. She screamed and he put his hand over her mouth. He felt a satisfaction that he craved since that first night she entered his room. He threw her into the trunk of his car and took off. He took her to the place he was staying at, but realised that people might hear her screaming. That is when he decided to use the warehouse he uses to store his collectibles and furniture. He took her and killed her that night. He will never forget the life draining from her eyes and the color leaving her body. He can still hear the gasps for breath in her last moments of life. He felt alive and free for the first time in years and he wanted to feel like that again. That is why he continued killing everyone that resembles her. That way he can kill her over and over again.

He can feel the rage building up again. It is like a monster that he can't contain, a hunger that he can't supress. He thinks about Sara waiting in the warehouse. She is the fresh prey that his darkness is craving now. There is only one way to calm him down when he feels like this, and that is to kill another girl, another Mia. He looks at the knife patiently waiting on the coffee table next to him. He plans on killing Sara that same night.

Hugh and Peter are in their office searching for a match on the registration number. It is taking a while. "What are you going to do if we find him now?" Hugh asks Peter. He knows that Peter has been waiting for the moment they catch the guy for years now. "I know what I want to do to him, but that will cost me my job and I will end up in jail," Peter says as he keeps his eyes focused on the screen. "I guess I will make sure Sara is okay, and then I will arrest him myself. I will read him his rights and look into the eyes of the person who killed all these innocent girls," Peter says. Hugh highly doubts that Peter will be able to contain himself. The result finally appears on the screen. "It's done," Peter says, and Hugh walks up to the screen. The result comes back as Carl Jones. "Do you know him?" Hugh asks Peter. "No. By the looks of it he doesn't have a criminal record. Not even a speeding ticket," Peter says. "Does it give his address?" Hugh asks. "Yes," Peter says and writes it down. "Are we going to bring back up?" Hugh asks. He doesn't know what to expect when they get there. "No. We don't even know if he is the killer. We don't have the evidence to prove that he took Sara," Peter says. He gets his keys from his desk. "We are going on our own. If it seems like we need back up we will call for it," Peter says and walks out of the office. Hugh follows him. He doesn't think that it is a good idea to go alone but doesn't say anything. He knows that disagreeing with Peter will get him nowhere. He closes the door behind him and goes out to the car where Peter is waiting.

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