Chapter 16

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Claude is sitting in the dining room eating breakfast when William enters with the newspaper. "Morning," he says cheerfully. "Morning," Claude says. William sits down next to him to read the paper. "What time is your first lesson?" Claude asks. "At 9 o'clock. What time do you have to leave for your meeting?" William asks. Claude looks at his watch. "I have to leave in the next twenty minutes. I can't be late for this one. If I lose this contract, I can kiss my job goodbye," Claude says. William unfolds the paper and immediately notices the story about Sara on the front page. "They know who took Sara," William says and holds the paper out towards Claude. Claude can't believe his eyes when he sees the photo of Caleb. He reads the name underneath the photo just to make sure that he is seeing correctly. "I know him," Claude says. William is shocked when he hears this. "How do you know him?" he asks. "Do you remember the man I was in a relationship with before I met you. The one I told you about. He tried to commit suicide, but I found him before he could die," Claude says. William remembers the man Claude is talking about. "Do you know where he is? The police don't know where to find him," William asks. "I know where he used to live, but he might've moved away since then," Claude says. He still can't believe that Caleb is a serial killer. William gets up to find the card Hugh and Peter gave him the day they first came to saw him. "I think we should call the detectives," William says. "You call them. I have to call my office to tell them that I won't be able to be at the meeting," Claude says and leaves the room to call the office. William enters the number on his phone and tries to call Peter, but it goes straight to voicemail. He decides to call LAPD instead. "Los Angeles Police Department. How can we help you?" a lady says as she answers the phone. "This is William Davies. I have to speak to detective Peter Johnson immediately," he says. "I will put you through to him immediately," she says. William waits for Peter to answer the phone. Claude comes back into the room. "Let me talk to them. You don't even know him," Claude says and holds his hand out to take the phone. William hands it to him.

Peter just arrived at the office and is searching through the pile of papers on his desk. Hugh is thinking of ways that they can find Caleb. The phone startles them. Peter answers it. "Detective Peter Johnson here, how can I help you?" he asks. He hopes that it is about the case. "Hello detective. This is Claude, William's husband. We met the other day," Claude says. Peter takes a second to remember him. "Hello Claude," he says. He immediately thinks that Claude only wants to find out how the investigation is going. "I know Caleb personally. We were in a relationship a few years ago," he says. Peter can't believe his ears. "Do you know where he could be?" Peter asks. "I know a few places, but I don't know if he is at any of them. It's been years since I've last seen him," Claude explains. "Are you home?" Peter asks. "Yes," Claude replies. "We are coming to see you immediately. Don't go anywhere," Peter says and hangs up. "I think we might be getting somewhere. "William's husband knows Caleb. He might be able to help us track him down," Peter says to Hugh who is now standing in front of Peter's desk. "What are we waiting for then?" Hugh asks. "I'll drive," he adds and takes his car keys from his desk. They go outside and get into Hugh's car. "Step on it. We don't know how much time we have left to find Caleb before he kills Sara," Peter says. He drives as fast as traffic allows him. When they stop outside, Claude is already waiting for them at the door. They get out of the car and head inside. Claude directs them to the dining room where William is waiting. "When did you and Caleb date?" Peter asks as he sits down next to William. "We started dating about 5 years ago, and we broke up three years ago," Claude says. Peter realises that it must've been just before the killings started. "Why did you break up?" he asks. "Caleb has a lot of issues. He has a very bad past. He kept talking about Mia and how much she hurt him," Claude explains. "Do you know her surname?" Peter asks. "He mentioned it, but I can't remember it now," Claude says. "Was it Mia Owens?" Peter asks. Claude thinks back. "That does ring a bell. How do you know about her?" Claude asks. Hugh looks at Peter as he realises who Mia is. "It is his first victim," Peter says. "When did he kill her?" Claude asks. "Almost three years ago," Peter says. Claude still can't get over the shock of Caleb being a serial killer. "What did Mia do to him?" Hugh asks. "He told me that she was his babysitter when he was around thirteen years old. According to him, she molested him on multiple occasions. He kept telling me how much he hated her and how she took away his innocence. At first I tried to be supportive, but as time passed, he kept talking about it. I told him to see a therapist, but he wouldn't. Later I started suspecting that he was having an affair, and that was the final straw. I left him in that same week," Claude says. "How did he take it?" Hugh asks. "Not well at all. I went to his place a week later to get some of my stuff, and then I found him overdosed on pills. He tried to commit suicide. I took him to the hospital, and he hated me for it. That was the last time I saw him," Claude says. "He isn't at his apartment, and we don't know where he could be hiding. Do you know any other place he might be?" Peter asks. "No, but I have his phone number, if that will help you," Claude says. "We have his phone number, but his phone is switched off," Peter explains. Claude looks through the contacts on his phone. "I have the number for his parents. Maybe they know where he could be," Claude suggests. "That sounds like a great idea. Give me the numbers and I'll call them," Hugh says. Claude finds the numbers on his phone and writes them down on a piece of paper and hands it to Hugh. He takes it and walks to the room next door. He calls Caleb's mom first, but the phone goes straight to voicemail. He tries to call Caleb's father next. A woman answers his phone. "Jack Smith's phone. How can I help you?" she asks. "Hello. I am detective Hugh Brown from LAPD. I have to talk to Jack immediately," Hugh says. "I am sorry, but that is not possible. He has dementia, and really won't be able to help you with whatever you are investigating," she says impatiently. "Can I talk to his wife?" Hugh asks. "I am sorry to inform you that she passed away 2 years ago," the lady says. "Are you sure there is no way I can talk to Jack? It is about his son," Hugh explains. "You can try, but I don't think you will be able to get anything out of him," she says. "I will try, just give him the phone, please," Hugh says. He waits while she hands the phone to Jack. "Hello?" the voice on the other side says. "Hello sir. Can I talk to you about your son, Caleb?" Hugh asks. "What about Caleb?" Jack asks. "We have to speak to him, and we don't know where to find him. Do you know where he could be?" Hugh asks. "The farm. Have you tried the farm?" Jack asks. "What farm?" Hugh asks. There is silence on the other side. "What farm?" he asks again. There is still no answer. "I think he had enough," the nurse says and hangs up. Hugh is confused about what farm he is talking about. He walks back to the others. They are talking about Caleb when he enters the room. "Could you get any information out of them?" Claude asks. "His mom died two years ago, and his dad has dementia. His dad did mention a farm, though," Hugh says. "Of course! Why didn't I think of that? His parents owned a farm just outside the city. I don't know if they still have it, but it is worth a try," Claude says. "Do you have an address for the farm?" Peter asks. "No, but I think I remember how to get there," Claude says. Hugh gives Peter a hopeful look. He believes that this has to the place where Caleb would go. "Would you be able to go to the farm with us now?" Peter asks. "Yes. I will do anything to make sure Sara gets home safely," Claude says. Peter and Hugh both get up at the same time. "Just be careful," William says. Claude places his hand on William's shoulder. "I will be fine. I will make sure that I follow all their instructions," he says. "Let's get going," Peter says, and Claude gets up from his chair. Claude says bye to William and follows them out the door.

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