Chapter 23

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"Hugh is out of surgery. It was touch and go for a while, but he is going to be okay," the doctor says. Peter can feel the tension leave his body. For the first time in hours Peter feels like he can breathe. "Thank you, doctor," Alice says. She feels relieved that everything is over. "When can we see him?" Peter asks. "He will be in the ICU for at least 2 nights. We have to monitor his condition to make sure that he doesn't develop an infection. Only family can see him in the ICU," the doctor says. "His family is in the UK. He doesn't have anyone here," Alice says. She wants to see him. She wants to see for herself that Hugh is okay. "I will see if I can pull some strings for you guys to see him tomorrow, but I can't promise anything," the doctor says. "Thank you. We appreciate it," Peter says. "I have to go now, but you can ask the nurses if you have any questions," the doctor says. "We will, thank you," Alice says. The doctor nods and walks out of the room. Alice pulls Peter into a hug. "It's over. It's really over," Alice says. "I really hope that it is over for good now," Peter says as they let go one another, "We should head home. There is nothing we can do now. We can just come back in the morning," Peter suggests. Alice looks at the time. "It is morning," Alice says. "You know what I meant. I will meet you at the reception area at 8," Peter says. "Aren't you going to walk out with me?" Alice asks. Peter has Hugh's phone in his hand, "I have to call his ex first, then I want to find out how Sara is doing," Peter says. Alice picks up her handbag. "I will see you in a couple of hours," Alice says. "See you then," Peter says. "Good luck with Carmen," Alice says before she leaves. Peter finds Carmen's number and calls her. She answers immediately. "Tell me you have good news," she says. "Hugh is out of surgery. The doctor says that he is okay," Peter says. Peter can hear her talk to the children in the background. "I am working on the documentation for the children to see him. They should be able to be there in a week," she says. Peter can't believe his ears. Hugh told him that Carmen wouldn't let them come here until she spent enough time with Louise. "What about school?" Peter asks. "Louise has two more tests left, and Jack one later this week. The school says Louise can write her test scheduled for next week, earlier. They will be done with school for the year before they get there," Carmen explains. "I will pick them up from the airport. Hugh will still be in the hospital for at least a week. When I was shot a few years ago, they wouldn't let me leave for 10 days," Peter says. "Thank you. If you send me your number, I will let you know when their plane lands. Just don't tell Hugh. They want it to be a surprise for him," Carmen says. "My lips are sealed," Peter says. He can't even imagine how Hugh will react when he sees his children. "Thank you for keeping us updated. We really appreciate it," Carmen says. "You're welcome. I will keep you updated on his condition until he can talk to you himself." Peter says. "I have to go now. I have a million things to do before they have to leave," Carmen says. "That's fine. We can speak again later," Peter says.

Hugh wakes up in the early morning hours. He feels a pain in his abdomen and hears the beeping of machines. It takes him a few seconds to realise what happened. He is connected to multiple machines. He tries to sit up, but is overwhelmed by pain and falls back immediately. A nurse sees him struggling and enters the room. "Welcome back, Hugh. We thought we lost you for a while there," the nurse says. "You will be in the ICU for a couple of nights, and then you will spend at least a week in a normal ward," she explains. A doctor enters the door behind them. "I am glad to see that you are awake. You've been asleep for hours," the doctor says. He walks up and stands next to Hugh. "My abdomen hurts a lot," Hugh says. "The bullet punctured your stomach, but we managed to get you into surgery immediately. It will be a while before your body will be back to normal, and it will take patience. Just take your time," the doctor says. Hugh feels the frustration build up already. "How is Sara doing?" Hugh asks. "She is okay. The nurses gave her something to sleep. We will have someone council her in the morning," the doctor says. Hugh is tired and can feel the sleep taking over his body. "I will let you rest now. If the pain gets worse, just let us know," the doctor says just before Hugh falls asleep.

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